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Next day Ten woke up at twelve because he doesn't have a schedule that day fortunately. He looked at the phone and saw a message from Johnny informing him that the older one have fansign. Ten just wished him well and asked about facetime later.

He smiled looking at the name contact for Johnny, which was. "Johnjohn<3"

He scratched his head thinking why did he actually put the heart emoji next to his name.

He stood up and streched not bothering himself anymore. "Hi leon, louis." he kissed his cats and went to the kitchen when he saw Kun and Dejun making breakfast. "Can you call the rest? Food is almost ready" informed Kun and Ten did as he asked.

He went into Yangyang's room. "Wake up little bitch." he threw a pillow at him. "I'm getting up hyung. Don't shout..." he covered his ears, stood up and wore his jumper "Did you text your boyfried that you woke up?" he asked not looking at him.

"You are crossing the line." Ten sighed and left the room sitting at the table.

"You are just mean..." Liu sulked sitting in front of him.

"What did he do?" Kun asked putting food on their plates.

"Oh ge, he just-" the blonde one stared talking but groaned when he felt strong kick under the table. He looked at smiling Ten, who a few seconds later look like he came up with something. "Hendery you know, I talked with Yang yesterday..." he said slowly pretending to be worried.

"Okay let's shut up and eat." Liu shouted and laughed awkwardly. "Well said." Ten nodded.

"Yang did you eat my kimchi?" Kun sighed closing the fridge and the younger one just smiled and winking quickly. "Seriously I will stop cooking for you."


In the afternoon Yangyang made Ten go to the arcade with him. The older didn't want to but he thought that maybe some time outside would make him feel better. But before going to the arcade Ten wanted to buy coffee so they change their destination to their favorite cafe.

"Hyung you should stop drinking so much coffee..." the younger boy stated looking at the boy who was paying for his iced americano.

"Be careful. I will think you actually care for me." he said sarcastically, and sipped his drink "Mmm so good, wanna take a sip?" he asked but the younger one shook his head and sat at the table taking out his phone.

Ten did the same and sighed noticing that he still didn't get a message from Johnny who didn't even read it.

"Maybe he is busy..." he thought shrugging his shoulders.

"What's wrong?" he asked when he saw his friend's face which looked surprised.

"Isn't it Johnny hyung and Doyoung?" he said quietly. Ten turned in the direction in which the Yangyang was looking and rised his eyebrows. Johnny was smiling while eating a cake.

And what is more important he didn't look like he was busy at all.

Of course Ten didn't saw anything strange in this. Johnny didn't have to text him, maybe he forgot or something. But he promised?

Ten didn't actually know why he felt in this way. The older one didn't do anything bad.

The Thai boy took out his phone again and sighed looking at his chat with Johnny. He looked at the celling and thought about something for a moment.

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