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(jaeyong chapter because we want it)

"Are you fucking serious?!" Ten shouted but Taeyong covered his mouth with his hand. "Shut up maybe?!" he looked around.

"You are going on the date and I'm finding out just now?! Just before this date?!" he couldn't believe. "I really thought our friendship means something to you." he sighed looking away. "Stop being such a diva. I was too stressed to tell about that." he rolled his eyes. "I hope it wasn't a joke..." he felt anxious.

"Hey, Tae it will be okay. We all know he likes you so no worries, okay?" Ten smiled patting his best friend's shoulder. "I hope you are not wrong." he looked at him trying to calm himself.


"Are you ready?" Jaehyun smiled when he noticed Taeyong who left his room. He looked at him from head to toe and cleared his throat trying not to blush. "Yep." the older one nodded.

Jaehyung opened the door and let him go first which didn't shock the other boy. Jaehyun was always kind. But hey, they were going on a date. A date!

"So... where are we going?" Taeyong wanted to know. He was curious where Jaehyun planned to take him. Honestly he was happy being alone with him and the place wasn't important. "You will see." the younger one winked at him and Taeyong rolled his eyes not wanting to show his red cheeks. And he just couldn't look into Jaehyun's eyes. It was somehow too hard right now.

"But can we stop at the company for a few seconds?" Jaehyun said suddenly which made Taeyong look at him. "I g-guess so." he responded.

Few minutes later they reached the place. "I will go with you." the older one said already leaving the car. Jaehyun wanted to stop him but at the end he agreed entering the place.

"Can you wait here for a second?" he asked when they reached the lobby. "Sure." he said and Jaehyun walked away.

"Taeyong." he heard and looked at the person who was walking towards him. "Hi, what's up." he smiled at Kai. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't actually know, Jaehyun wanted to do something." he shrugged. "I see..." Kai smirked and Taeyong hit his arm slightly. "I didn't even say anything." he raised his hands. "But you thought..."

"You just admitted something was going on. A date or what?" Kai rolled his eyes and Taeyong look at him with his eyes wide opened. "So a date..." he smirked again.

"Just stop okay, I thought you were busy, so maybe come back to your work, huh?" Taeyong said quickly when he noticed the other boy coming back. "I didnt say I was busy, but I should ask Jaehyun about your date?" he smiled looking at the younger boy.

"Just go." he pushed him before Jaehyun was with him again. "You are done?" he asked still blushing. He hoped Jaehyun didn't hear their conversation.

"Yeah, let's go." he grabbed his hand and pulled him heading to the car park. "The manager isn't going with us?" he asked whe Jaehyun said behind the wheel. "No. We are going alone."

"Can we?" Taeyong wasn't sure. "I took care of this baby." Jaehyung sent him a smile and the older one looked away feeling bunch of butterflies in his stomach.

Since when Jaehyun was so bold?

After awhile Jaehyun stopped the car in front of a fancy restaurant. To be honest the time was perfect.

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