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Ten came back to his dorm. He was tired even though he didn't do much today. "Oh my god you scared me." he flinched when he noticed Yangyang standing next to him. "Let's go?" the younger one asked.

"Where?" he frowned. "I need coffee." he stretched his body then wore his bucket hat. "I don't want to... tired." Ten wanted to sit on the couch but the other one pulled him then pushed him out of the dorm. "Meanie." he groaned. "Oh come on." he rolled his eyes.

They never talked about Yangyang's confession since it happened. It just went away somehow. "Where do you wanna go?" Ten asked when they left the building. "I don't know let's just grab a coffee and go somehwere. I don't want to be in the dorm it's boring." he shrugged going somewhere. "Wait." Ten said and ran after him.

After few minutes they reached the cafe. The same where they met Johnny and Doyoung last time. Ten rolled his eyes unintentionally. "Hyung that was one year ago. Stop." Yangyang chuckled and Ten blushed. The younger was too direct. He didn't like that.

"Oh shut up." he hit him.

"Did you talk to him though?" he asked thinking what should he drink. "I did..." Ten said with tired voice, then explained him everything. Usually he wouldn't do that... but since he didn't talk with Taeyong, Yangyang was the first person to talk about that.

But after he explained everything the younger boy looked at him with his eyebrows raised. "Are you serious Ten?" he asked like he was stupid.

"What?" he was clueless.

"Hyung, he freaked out when he imagined you together don't you think it's weird? Other members don't do that... They are still okay and just ignore this." he said what was on his mind. Of course Ten was aware of this, but could he do? He wouldn't tell Johnny what to do. "So why he would be so sick of this?"

"What are you trying to say?" he asked. "I don't know. Gay panic?" he chuckled which made Ten hit him. "I'm serious... You should confront him about this and see what would he do." he shrugged then looked at the board with menu again.

"So what should I tell him then?" he asked. "I love you. Do you love me too?" he threw his arm in the air.

Yangyang turned around then widened his eyes, clearing his throat. "H-hyung." he scratched his neck then pointed behind Ten. "What? Do you answer me or not?" he got mad then turned around and flinched noticing Johnny who was standing right behind him. "Oh shit, I mean... did you buy your coffee already?" he said to Yangyang trying to ignore the older one.

"I actually lost my apetite. Bye." he said and literally flew leaving them alone. Well not alone because there were other people inside, but it felt like they were alone.

So what should he do righ now? Fantastic, Johnny heard him again. Now he was sure the older knew he had feelings for him. Just great.

"So you are dating?" he heard so he turned to him frowning. "Sorry what?"he asked confused. Johnny didn't show any emotins on his face. "You and Yangyang?" he said again.

Honestly, Ten wanted to laugh because why the hell did he think like that.

No, now he really didn't know why he liked him while he was so stupid. He didn't even know who was more stupid. Him or Johnny.

"Why do you think like that?" he tried to stay calm. Johnny shrugged and left the place. He didn't even buy anything. "Hey!" the Thai boy went after him. He didn't like to be ignored. "Can you answer me?"

"Why does it matter?" Johnny asked this time. Ten facepalmed. What was with this man. "Because you are assuming things about me and I want to know why." he simply said and he had to admit it even made sense.

Johnny just looked at him blankly then sighed rolling his eyes. "You said you loved him, don't you? And last time..." he made a pause. "Last time when you talked with Taeyong you told him Yangyang wanted to date you." he explained clenching his fist. He didn't want to say this. It wasn't even his business.

Ten was taken aback. First of all why did he care? He didn't even know what to say. And secondly, it was literally one year ago?!

And seeing this, Johnny wanted to go away but the smaller boy stopped his grabbing his fore arm closing his eyes. "It- it wasn't about him today...and- and then as well." he cursed under his nose after saying this. "It doesn't matter anyway." Johnny said wanting to leave again.

"Then why! Why do you care?!" he said loudly now. Ten was mad now and he couldn't hide it. "Why do you care after you told me those things?! Explain this to me. I don't understand John. It's not funny. And what if I date Yangyang? Why would you care when you cut all strings between us. I'm reminding you--" he said angrily pointing at him. "You... did that. Not me. And I'm reminding you again--" he said louder. "You did that because you saw stupid painting John! What is wrong with you?" he was saying fastly and Johnny was just looking at him. "Better find some smart excuse before I will start think you actually return my fucking feelings." he stopped with wide open eyes.

He covered his mouth. Shit, he wasn't supposed to tell this. It was too sudden.

"Just stop approaching me! Leave me alone!" he said and pushed him walking away. "Stop." Johnny said going after him. Ten covered his forehead with his hand. What just happened? Why couldn't he leave him alone finally? "I said fucking stop." he said again clenching his hand on his shoulder and turned him so he almost fell.

Johnny didn't think much. He just pulled him to himself and smashed their lips togehter. Literally in the middle of the path. Good for them it was empty because Ten could already feel saesangs and then dispatch having some good tea for their fans.

But those thoughts was far away when he felt Johnny's lips on his own. They were just like he imagined. He loved this feeling. He was so amazed he didn't think about anything else. Just Johnny's big hand's around his waist, and his own hands on his neck pulling him even closer, pleased with this sweet feeling.

But when the realized what just happened he pushed them apart with a fear in his eyes. Johnny didn't say anything and Ten couldn't read anything from his eyes.

The younger one looked around then just walked away touching his lips. What just happened? He was ALMOST sure it was just a dream. It didn't happen, right?

My fav chapter so far hehe

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