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Ten was looking straight into his eyes. He didn't want to show him there was an issue between them. Johnny's face was emotionless, he just titlted his head slightly.

"What do you want?" Ten asked because the silnece was really annoying for him. "It belongs to Yuta." he looked at the package in his hands. Ten frowned. "I know." he answered and wanted to go away which made him grab Johnny's forearm, but the older didn't let him. "Let me go John." he said not looking at him.

"We have to talk."

"No we don't." the Thai boy got angry. Did he really want to talk with him after almost year? Very funny. "Now let me go."

"How was in China?" the older asked suddenly. Ten wanted to chuckle because Johnny just didn't have reason to talk with him. "Good. I made new friends." he answered sarcastically. He didn't even know why did he say this.

"Can you let me go?" he continued but this time he moved his eyes to him. Johnny thought for a moment then took away his arm letting him go. "I said I want to talk to you." he said before Ten went away.

But he freezed then looked over his shoulder. "We talked. One year ago..." he said and added. "There is no need to talk with each other when we don't have to work togehter." and few seconds later he disappeared in Taeyong's room closing the door behind his back.

When Ten closed the door he sighed loudly leaning about them. Taeyong was looking at him holding his phone in his hand. "You told me he wasn't there." he whispered.

The older one didn't say anything he just rolled his eyes. "Stop. It really hard for me. Don't do this again." he complained coming closer. He really felt literally every muscle in his body when he saw Johnny.

"Oh come on Ten, you have to talk to him. I see you are hurt." Taeyong said suddenly also standing up. "You can't run away from him forever." he threw his hands in the air.

"What?" The Thai boy frowned. "Taeyong, he is the one who told me to back off. What are you even saying?" he didn't understand his friend. He was supposed to help him. "But he tries to talk to you. You should hear him out not running away." he raised his voice which made Ten flinch.

Ten just chuckled putting Yuta's snack on Taeyong's bed then took his bag. "There would be no problem if you didn't make me speak that day Tae. You should be on my side. Why do you even defend him? Just back off." he said and slammed the door leaving him.

He felt bad he treated him like that but he really wanted to Taeyong to support him, not tell him what to do.

Heading to the door he looked at Johnny's room and noticed the older one on his bed lying and looking at the ceiling.

Maybe he really should talk to him?

He wanted so badly.

To be honest he missed his big hugs.


"Hi guys." he said after he saw wayv members. They all hugged him tightly. "Oh my god let me breath." he chuckled.

"Okay, let him go." Kun said pushing them slightly. "We didn't see each other one year, ge what do you want us to do?" Xiaojun said.

The oldest just sighed then walked away. "We will talk later." he pointed at Ten then disappeared behind the door of his room.

"Okay, I have to unpack my things guys." he said trying to run away from them and when he finally did that he took a deep breath placing hand on his chest. "Finally." he sighed then started to cleaning up.

Also he almost fainted when he noticed how messy was their dorm. Of course after he left they suddenly forgot that something like water with soap exist.

He had a lot to do already and it's been only few minutes.

After he unpacked himself he left his room and headed to Kun's. "Hi ge." he smiled sitting on his bed. Kun looked around and take off his headphones turning himself on the chair. "What's up." he started. He knew Kun wasn't too sentimental. Or more like he didn't like to show this so he could talk with him just like always.

"How was China?" he asked ignroring his question. The younger one rolled his eyes. "Good. I did so many..." he said. "But hey why are you so serious?" he chuckled.

"Did you make up?" he asked again ignoring him again. "Kun ge. What is wrong. Why are you asking me about that. Seriously why everyone have to talk about him right after I came back?" he got mad so he stood up.

"I don't want to tell you what to do Ten." Kun sighed rolling his eyes. "I'm guessing you didn't get an information?" he stood up and taking his phone.

"What information?" he sighed looking at his friend who came closer to him. "I didn't check my mail." he admitted scratching his head.

"The start doing it because you have a schedule with Johnny." he said frowning. "What the hell are you saying?" he took his phone right away then checked the note. "Is this a joke?! Among all members it has to be us? Why do they hate me so much." he threw the phone at the bed. "What am I supposed to do now?" he asked.

"You tell me." The older one sighed patting his shoulders.

Ten left his room and went to his own room again sitting on his bed. "So we do have schedule together. Shit." he place his hand on his forehead.

Maybe that's why Taeyong wanted them to talk. And he was so mean to him without any reason. It was his own fault he didn't check the inbox. Now he had to bare with this.

He checked the message in his own phone once again. He looked how many time left...

Shit. Well, so he had five days to manage this situation somehow. Oh they also had to talk about that... great. Just great.

Oops, what now?

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