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Ten closed the door behind his back without hesitation. He was so affected he didn't notice Yangyang who was behind him, also coming back. "Ouch..." he groaned when he felt wodden door on his face.

Ten didn't even looked at him. He was so mad. "Hey, don't need to be so mean..." Yangyang said when he noticed that. "How can I? It's literally your fault!" he blamed him. "How? You know everything now..." he said. He was sure he did well.

"What are you saying Yang? I'm even more confused right now!" he said, axious. "Aren't you happy tho? He kissed you." he smirked sitting on the couch.

"Who kissed who?!" Kun showed up in the living room when he heard their voices. "Ten and Johnny." Yangyang shrugged turning on the Tv.

Ten was speechlees, and so was Kun who just looked at them. "You didn't go home?" he asked his friend, who shook his head. "I had to take care of you not making stupid things." He chuckled.

"Stupid things?! It's literally all your fault!" he said again. "Hey guys calm down." Kun tried to make them calm but it was hard. "What is my fault Hyung, your crush kissed you! You are happy now?!" Yangyang shouted.

"I'm not! And he is not because he probably wanted me to shut up!" they both look at him like he was stupid. "And you are not!" he pointed at Yangyang and Kun looked this time at the youngest not knowing what Ten meant.

Yangyang on the other hand, pressed his lips into thin line. He didn't respond anything, just headed to his room closing door behind himself.

"Explain?" leader said confused and Ten just sighed placing his hand on his forehead. "I don't know Kun. I just don't know." he just went to his room, too tired for this right now.


Ten thought about what happened. He was mad at himself. And at Johnny, and Yangyang as well. But what was more important, he didn't know what to do. Just like for past days. He was completly helpless.

Did Johnny play with him or what exactly? He had such a mess in his head righ now.

He didn't talk with Taeyong.

Yangyang was probably mad at him.

And Johnny randomly kissed him.


He spent so much time thinking about how to move on believing the older one is hundred percent hetero, didn't like him, and what's more he was his best friend.

And then few days after he came back he just kissed him. On the lips!

He probably should talk to him. That's what Taeyong would say. And the rest  of the members.

But it wasn't the problem right now. Today they had to record the nct news together. They had to focus on the work, not on this weird thing that was happening between them. And what's more, Ten had to focus on something else than Johnny's lips.

"Okay everyone are you ready?" the director shouted looking at some papers. "Let's start." he clapped his hands and sat down with a coffee in his hand.

Johnny and Ten sat next to each other in their suits. Not mentioning that Ten didn't even look at the older one before.

"H-hi." they both said then bowed at each other which meant they looked at each other. Ten gulped, and realized he forgot what to say next. Even the director who was pointing at the screen with his part noticed something was wrong. "What's a honour to be here." he said laughing awkwardly.

"Cut, cut, cut." the old man said covering his forehead with his hand. "Let's start again, Ten just read this." he said bot the Thai boy stood up. "Can I ask for 5 minutes?" he smiled politely. The man just nodded and walked away shaking his head.

On the other hand, Ten left the room and went to the coffee machine. He had to clear his mind and focus on work.

"Hey..." he heard which made him jump. "What the hell?" he asked looking around and noticing Johnny. He immediately blushed and turned his head away.


He couldn't understand how Johnny was so calm after what happened between them.

Oh, he just didn't have any feeling for him, that's why he was so unbothered. He probably even forgot about it already, and Ten should do that to. He couldn't show him it affected him. "Hey." he said with a slight smile after taking a deep breath.

"Can we talk about what happened yesterday?" Johnny asked, and Ten's smile faded away. His plans just disappeared. He wasn't sure what to respond. "I g-guess." he cleared his throat. "Listen..." Johnny came closer and the younger one stepped back, what wasn't unnoticeable for the older one. "I..."

"It's okay, I get it. You didn't mean it I know." the shorter boy sighed looking at the floor. He was too embarrased to face Johnny. "That's not what I--"

"No, it's really cool, let's go... They are waiting for us--" he wanted to come back to the room but Johnny's strong grip made him stop then he pulled him to one of the empty rooms near them. "W-what are you doing?" he asked when johnny mushed him on the wall. "I said, that's not what I meant." Johnny answered.

"John just drop it. I don't know what do you mean? Can you just tell me if you consider me as your friend or not?" Ten asked angry. "Do you?" he heard in response.

"What do you mean?" Ten frowned not knowing what he meant. "You told Taeyong you didn't think of me as your friend. So?" he explained. 

Ten looked left leaning his head against the wall. He knew what he was talking about. And there was no point in lying right?

"You heard this conversation? You eavesdropped again?" he asked calmly. Johnny didn't say anything. "Did you?" he looked at him again. "I did." he looked away. "The why didn't you tell me? Why did you ask me about Yangyang?" he wanted to know.


"You know the truth, don't you? You knew it since the very beginning, am I right John?" he said quietly. "The why the hell did you kiss me yesterday?! Why did you feed my fucking imagination?!" he added.

Silence again.

"Answer me John or we will split like we did one year ago, and there will be no way back." he shook his head, but his own words hurt him so much. He couldn't imagine it.

"Something has changed Ten." Johnny said calmly and Ten looked at him. "Something changed after this fansign."

"I wasn't disgusted for fuck's sake. I distanced myself because I was scared. I was scared because it started to make sense!" he said placing his hands on the wall having Ten's head between them. The younger one was looking at him. What didn't he want to say?

"When you left I realised how much I lost." he confessed. "I was so miserable without you Ten, you just took a part  of me with you to China." he said looking into his eyes. The Thai boy could see how hurt was the older one and it hurt him as well.

He wanted to touch his cheek with his hand but in the middle he stopped wanting to take his hand away but Johnny was faster.

He grabbed the hand in his own and he placed it on his cheek by himself, looking into his eyes. "I missed you Ten, don't leave me like that again." he said quietly.

And to be honest Ten didn't know how should he react. He was speechless. He just felt the bunch of butterflies in his stomach. Again. He didn't even dream of this.

"Let's meet later" Johnny said when he heard the voice of his manager.

okay, it's cute, isn't it?

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