Special chapter ✨

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Ten sighed. Johnny hadn't answered his phone since the last night and he was pissed off because 127 didn't have schedule for this time.

He groaned hugging his pillow staring at the wall like he was about to find the answer there. "Ge, are you okay?" Yangyang asked because Ten was more grumpy than usual. He looked at him and rolled his eyes. "Why wouldn't I be okay? Everything is fine." he answered standing up and throwing the pillow on his bed.

"I'm sure this pillow didn't do anything to you..." the younger one said laughing awkwardly but the older one just sent him a glare.

"At the same time they heard a knocking on the door. "Can you go and open?" Ten asked the younger one but he shook his head. "What are you? Five?" he couldn't believe Yangyang was so irresponsible.

He went to the door and opened it closing right after he saw the person who annoyed him. "Tennie, open the door." He heard his voice so he stomped on his feet looking at his nails thinking then finally opened the door looking at him with anger. "Do you need something?" he asked.

Johnny smiled being amused by his boyfriend's behaviour. He let himself inside the dorm and closed the door, then placed his hands on Ten's waist kissing him passionately.

But of course Ten being Ten pushed him away and went to his room ignoring him. "I'm busy you can go talk with Yangyang or Kun. They are in their rooms." he said and disappeared in his room. "What a shame..." Johnny said suddenly. "Should I take them on a date then?" he asked pouting.

Hearing this Ten looked out of the room narrowing his eyes. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine, I will go with you just because I won't you to feel lonely." he answered and Johnny shook his head in disbelief.

"Are we going now or..." he asked looking at the time. "Yes. Let's go." Johnny grabbed his hand and pulled him. "Wait I have to wear my shoes." he giggled shortly.

Later both of them headed to the car.

"So where are we going?" Ten asked his boyfriend who just smiled resting his right hand on Ten's leg making him smile and connecting their hands together. "You will see."


Johnny woke Ten up. He opened his eyes still slightly sleepy. He looked around and fixed his gaze at Johnny who was smiling cutely. "Have we arived?" he asked blinking few time after yawning. "Yes baby, let's go." Johnny smiled and left the car helping Ten leave as well. He opened the car door at the back at took a bag then closed the car and grabbed Ten's hand.

Only then he realized where they were. "John what the hell?!" he asked loudly. "We are in Incheon baby. I promised to take you to the beach and we are here." Johnny said hoping Ten would like this.

"Johnny..." he said quietly. He wasn't smiling. He couldn't. He couldn't believe he was really there and Johnny really did it. "I... I don't know what to say..." he added looking at the beautiful sight in front of them.

It was almost midnight but thanks to the lights it was a perfect view on the see who was white under the big moon.

They went closer to the water and Johnny spread the blanket on the sand, taking out two glasses and wine.

Ten opened his mouth looking at his boyfriend, while covering his mouth. "You have to be kidding me." he said still not believing it was true. it was too beautiful to be true.

Not even four months ago Ten didn't even think about him being with Johnny and now this... He was speechless. He wanted to cry from happines.

After Johnny poured the winne to glasses he looked at Ten. "Why are you crying Ten? Did I do something wrong?" he got worried. He quickly put the glasses on the blanket and came closer to his boyfriend taking his hands into his own. "What's wrong baby?" he asked.

"I..." Ten sniffed looking up and meeting his eyes. "This is just... I can't believe this Johnny. T-this is so beautiful." he said finally, blushing.

Johnny sighed in relief feeling happiness. "Ten, I love you so I wanted to make you happy." he said placing his hand on Ten's cheek stroking it slightly.

"Okay, give me this wine I have to relax." the younger boy said finally taking the glass in his hand and so did Johnny trying to hold his laugh. "For us?" the older one said.

Ten looked at him then smiled slowly. "For us."

After Ten took a sip he stood up and run to the see, taking off his shoes before. He stood on the wet sand waiting for the water to wet his feet.

Johnny went after him and wanted to grab his hand but the younger one giggled and run deeper into the water wanting Johnny to chase him, what his of course did grabbing his waste almost five minute later.

"I thought you were sleepy." he said into his ear back hugging him. "I'm not anymore." he smiled turning around and embracing Johnny's neck while looking into his eyes.

"Are you happy?" Johnny asked.

"I am." Ten nodded with a smile. Then he jumped on Johnny without any warning so they almost fell into the water but fortunately Johnny managed to grab his legs.

Ten kissed him passionately slightly tugging at his hair which made Johnny moan. Few seconds later he was standing again in the water now hugging his boyfriend who rest his chin on Ten's head. "I love you John..." he said quietly.

"And I love you." the older one said stroking his back and placing a kiss on the top of his head.


Can I cry now? Because it's way too cute for me...

And don't ask my why are they in Incheon... I did research because I wanted them on the beach but I forgot regular maps don't work there.

I hope you liked it... I'm still waiting for their 'trip' tho.

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