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"Hyung?" Yangyang entered Ten's room after he had came home. He sat on his bed and looked at him. "Are you okay?" he was worried.

Ten was sitting on his chair doing something on his laptop but when he heard his friend's question he stopped, and looked at him with weak smile. "It's okay, you don't have to worry." he sighed and continued. "And I'm sorry I didn't go with you for ice cream."

"Nevermind hyung, we will go another time." he smiled and... actually that was the end of the conversation. Yangyang left the room. He didn't want to force Ten to talk to him. He knew the older one nedded peace and loneliness.

"How is he?" Xiaojun asked sitting on the couch together with Hendery. The youngest rolled his eyes seeing how clingy they look like.

"Not as alive as always." he answered not looking at them.

Meanwhile Ten got a call from Taeyong. He answered but before that he had took deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Hi Tae, what's up?" he said trying to sound normal.

"Ten honey, Jaehyun told me everything..." he was really worried so that Ten was mad at himself for worrying him.

"It's really okay Tae." Ten sighed looking at the floor. "No it is not. I will deal with him I promise." Taeyong said more quiet.

"No!" The yunger one shouted. "I mean, please no Tae. There is no need. He said what he wanted to." he smiled sadly. "I gotta go. I'm kinda sleepy. Bye Yong." he hung up holding his tears but thinking about this situation he couldn't.

"That's my fault..." he said and lied on his bed hugging big plushie which he was given... unfortunately by Johnny...


After Ten hung up Taeyong was disappointed. He was disappointed in Johnny. He would have never thought that Ten's best friend could do something like that.

Also he was worried about him. He knew very well that the younger one prefered to hold everything inside him and play happy outside.

He put his phone in the pocket and left his room to find Johnny and talk to him. "Where is he?" he asked Doyoung while going to Johnny's room which was unfortunately empty.

"He isn't ho-" Doyoung wanted to respond but he was interrupted by doorbell.

Taeyong went to open the door and smiled sarcastically seeing Johnny and Jungwoo with coffees in their hands.

"Do you have something to tell me?" he asked trying to stay calm. Johnny swallowed his saliva seeing Taeyong looking like that. It was the first time they have ever seen him in this state. "No?! Of course not because you are a coward!" he shouted pointing at him.

"Tae you don't understand." he said rolling his eyes.

"I don't care about your explanation. I can't believe you treated him like that. He's your best friend for god's sake." he was still shouting but he wanted to cry more that shout right now. "I have never heard his voice sounding like that..." his voice broke.

Jaehyun watching this situation decided to take Taeyong back to his room. He didn't want him to suffer more.

After that Johnny locked himself in his room, and sit on his bed grabbing his head in his arm. To be honest he also was the wrack of himself. He missed Ten so much, and after he had said this harmful words to him he felt like someone shot him in his heart but he just couldn't do anything.

He should explain him everything.


He stood up rapidly and smiled to himself. If he explain everything to Ten he will understand and they will be friends again (Lol you wish).


"Are you sure Ten?" Kun asked looking at his friend hesitantly. Ten was packing his bag while smiling. "Yes ge, Winwin hyung was telling me a lot of times to come, so I guess I will finally do it." he shrugged his shoulders.

"When will you come back?" he asked but Ten didn't respond still packing his clothes. "Now you are the only mature person so you have to take care of them." Ten whispered not wanting then to hear it.

Kun rolled his eyes and said. "One kid less." Ten hearing this shook his head and went to put his bag in front of the door.

"Should we go to the airport with you?" Kun asked but Ten shook his head saying that he will meet Taeyong.

"Bye guys!" he hugged Xiaojun, Hendery and Lucas who was crying "Don't cry giant I will be back." he laughed, then he came closer to Yangyang and smiled hugging him. "Take care of my cats. If not then I will let them eat your fish." He smiled sarcastically but the younger one just rolled his eyes hugging him back. Before the older one pulled he quickly kissed Yy's cheek.

"Bye!" he shouted and winked at them then left the dorm. "Eww..." he heard Yangyang's scream. "Such a child." he laughed and went down straight to the black car which was waiting for him.

They reached the airport when Ten met with Taeyong. "Honey..." the older one hugged him. "Are you sure you want to leave?" he asked woriedly.

"Yeah, otherwise Winwin wants me to visit him." he smiled then added. "Tae, don't tell him okay? I mean I don't think he cares anyways but just don't." he looked at him hopefully.

"I won't." he answered. "Pinky promise?" Ten showed his finger and Taeyong giggled "Pinky promise." they tangeled their fingers and hugged again. "Have a safe flight Ten and text me later."

"No problem, hyung." he smiled and took his bag going to the departure hall. Taeyong was looking at him with sad smile on his mouth.

Ten said he didn't leave beacuse of Johnny but Taeyong knew him very well. He was worried but hoped that spending time in China would help him clear his mind.

"How was it?" Jaehyun asked after Taeyong had came back home. "Sad..." he smiled lightly causing Jaehyun rolled his eyes. "I will miss him Jae..."

"I know Tae, we all will..." he embraced him.


Johnny appeared in front of the the doors of wayv dorm. He was stressed. How would he explainy everything to Ten? He hoped he would get him back...

He knocked two times taking deep breath before that. Kun opened the door and raised the eyebrows looking at the boy. "Hello, do you need something?" he asked nicely.

"Um- " he stuttered. He remembered that Kun heard every single word Johnny had said to Ten that day. "Can I talk to Ten?" he asked but kun only looked at him like he was crazy "He is not here Johnny..." Kun shook his head. "He left to China one moth ago."

Surprise? Or not...

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