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After they finally finished recording Ten was exhaused. After their conversation he was, let's cay calmer, but still he couldn't forget what Johnny told him. Did it mean he returned his feelings? Was it really possible.

He went to chaged his clothes then left the room looking around. Johnny wanted to meet him, but was it right after the recording, or later? Or maybe the next day. He didn't know.

Ten panicked but he took a deep breath trying to stay calm. He headed to the car park not knowing what to do.

To be honest he was mad himself that he was so excited. He didn't want to forgive Johnny so soon, after all his word hurt him as well.

Before he entered the elevator he was pulled into the bathroom he guessed. "Oh my gosh you scared me." he closed his eyes after noticing the older boy who was now wearing loose pants and big t-shirt.

Ten gulped because he found it incredibly hot. "Y-you wanted to talk." he said looking up.

Johnny didn't say anything. He grabbed his waist and pulled him into the kiss not bothering by the doors. He just wanted to feel his lips on his own.

He was still figuring out the feeling he had for Ten.

The younger boy put his arms around his neck connecting their bodies togehter. Feeling Johnny's tounge inside his mouth and his hand on his hips made him sick. He couldn't think straight, It was too much for him. "O-oh..." he moaned accidentally when Johnny's hand found a place on his ass. He didn't expect it. AT ALL.

"Wait." he stepped buck blushing. "I thought you wanted to talk." he changed the topic. Johnny chuckled. "You have enough already? I though you dreamt about this." he smirked which made Ten hit him. "Don't be so bold now."

"I want to talk. I also don't consider you as my friend." Johnny said seriously. Ten's smile faded away. So what was that? Was it a joke? "Hey, I don't consider you as my friend because I consider you..." he brought himself closer touching Ten ear with his lips. "As my boyfriend..." he whispered. Ten widened his eyes. "Only if you want." he added quickly.

"Are you asking me if I want? I fucking crave this John." he said and this time it was him who kissed him pushing him on the wall behind Johnny, clenching his fists on his t-shirt. "I wanted this so much. I wanted your lips since I kissed you yesterday... I wanted this since I can't even remember since when..." Johnny groaned when he heard that, turning them around so now Ten was leaned against the wall. The younger didn't even care about how embarrasing was what he just said.

He kissed him again tangling thair tounges together then moving his lips to his neck. He was about to loose control, and it seemed like Ten as well, because he literally lost his mind when Johnny asked him to be his boyfriend.

He widened his eyes when Johnny licked his earring. "Oh m-my John I c-can't..." he covered his mouth. "W-we can't. T-the doors." he pointed at the door.

At the same time the doors was opened and they both stopped what they were doing. "My freaking innocence!" Jaehyun shouted slamming the doors. What was even doing there?

Ten pushed Johnny and fixed his clothes avoiding his gaze. He felt like he was dreaming. It couldn't be real...

He didn't move. Should he say something? Or just leave.


They were boyfriends!


"So..." Ten cleared his throat. "Are we..." he scratched his neck not sure his next words. "Boyfriends? Yes." Johnny smirked. To be honest, he also blushed. He didn't think it would end in this way, but he was happy.

Happy he had his Ten back. Finally.

"Oh, cool, I guess..." the younger one admitted but inside he was crying from happiness. "Oh come on, I know you are happy." the older came closer to him which made Ten look him into his eyes.

He was indeed happy, their problem was solved, and what's more they were boyfriends.

He slowly hugged him resting his had on his chest and closing his eyes. Johnny was slightly surprised but hugged him as well smiling. "I missed you..." the Thai boy said quietly. "I missed you too." Johnny answered.

Later they both headed to 127's dorm, because Jaehyun was nowhere to see. Also, Ten had to talk with Taeyong and apologise to him for shouting at him for literally nothing.

They entered the dorm. There were completly silent there. Johnny went to his room after Ten told him to wait for him there, then he went to Taeyong's room knocking two times.

He clerad his throat when he heard silent 'come in' then he just opened the door coming inside. Taeyong looked at him frowning.

"Can we talk?" Ten asked smiling awkwardly, andthe older one nodded. "I'm sorry I shouted at you. I didn't mean it..." he sat next to him. "You just wanted to help me and I was mad at you only because I didn't check my inbox... I'm really sorry Tae." he said smiling sadly.

Taeyong sighed bringing himself closer to his friend. "It's okay Ten... I shouldn't lie to you. I knew how you felt yet I told you he wasn't here. Sorry for this, I promise I won't do that again." he hugged him.

"Oh, in this case." he laughed shortly, which made Taeyong look at him suspiciously. "There is no need anymore Tae..." he explained not looking at his friend. "What do you mean by that? Don't tell me... You made up?!" he shouted.

"More like made out..." Ten muttered not looking at his friend. "What did you just say?!" now he was even more loud. "Shut up Tae." Ten silenced him, being angry. "Oh my god I can't believe finally, he told you!" he got excited.

"Wait what?" Ten was dumbfolded. "Well, we knew he liked you... that's why I didn't tell you he was there last time..." he admitted shyly.

"Are yo serious?! And you are telling me this now?!" Ten was schocked. He left the room and whent to his boyfriend's. It sounded so unreal.

"Do you have something to tell me John suh?" he raised his eyebrows lying next to him. "Do I?" he smirked. Of course he heard his and Taeyong's conversation.

"Oh my god we could literally be toghether for like half of the year now. It's all your fault." he hit him and turned to the wall. Johnny didn't say anything he just smilled looking at the ceiling. Having Ten so close was enough.

"But you know..." the younger one started after few minutes. "I was hurt when you told me we wouldn't see each other after few years. It was... awful." he admitted still facing the wall.

Johnny turned himself and place his arm on Ten's waist, making him face him. He felt pain in his stomach when Ten told him that. He was so stupid. "I'm sorry, I was so scared I didn't think about what I was saying. I hate myself for this... You mean a lot to me Ten, I don't know if could live without you... all those years ..." he admitted shyly. He didn't used to such confession.

The younger boy smiled looking at him, then his lips. "Do you want a kiss?" Johnny smirked noticing that. "I do, I really do." he said boldly and Johnny just pulled him closer smashing their lips toghether. 

"Do you think we should tell them they didn't close the door?" Taeyong whispered to Jaehyun who just came. "I don't know." he whispered back looking at them but then he moved his gaze to Taeyong cloming closer to him, but the older was so schocked he didn't even notice that, still observing his friends. "Hey Taeyong..." he felt Jaehyun's breath on his ear so he stiffed. "Do you want to go on a date with me?" he heard.

He looked left at the younger, so now they were just few inches from each othere. "I-i do..." he answered feeling heat in his cheeks.

few chapters left :((

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