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"I miss Winwin ge..." Yangyang cried sitting in waiting room with Ten waiting for their turn to have make up done.

"I know Yang." Ten patted his head and sighed.

"Anyway, what is the plan for today?" he asked. "We are recording the show with Mark and Jungwoo and then I guess we have group photoshoot." he shrugged his shoulders taking bite of his cookie "Want some?" he asked and the younger one took a bite "You bitch you ate half of it." Ten looked at his cookie and hit Yangyang on the arm.

"You asked if I want a bite." he pouted massaging his arm. "You are a meanie..." he stick his tounge and walked away, sitting on the chair so the makeup artis could start doing his makeup.

Ten rolled his eyes and smiled. He was happy they were friends.


"I like you hyung, If you want I can help you move on..." Yangyang grabbed his hand and tangled their fingers togheter.

Ten looked at this with wide eyes not believing what he just heard. "Just let me." he stood up and came closer looking into Ten's eyes.

The Thai boy didn't know what to say or think. He couldn't believe that his Yangyang, his best friend, liked him in this way.

Sure, he also loved Yangyang but as a bestfriend. What if he would say that he doesn't want to be with him and Yangyang would just break their friendship? He couldn't lose him.

"What are you saying yang? he laughed awkwardly. "You are joking right?" he gently tore his hand away from his grip.

"No, I'm serious right now." Yangang face was really serious, like he said but his eyesight was pure.

"Oh..." Ten gasped looking and the ground. He was always bitchy and sassy but he couldn't hurt Yangyang's feelings. "Yangyang I'm-"

"It's okay hyung." he smiled and touched his neck. "But please don't treat me different okay?" he asked holding back his tears and smiled widely.

"I'm sorry Yang... And of course! You are my bestie." Ten laughed hugging him. He knew that he was hurt but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't be with him, right?

"Ten... You can always come to me if you need help you know?" he said quietly. Ten was in shock. He nodded, but it was the first time that Yangyang didn't call him "Hyung".


End of flashback

After doing their make up they went to the main hall when they had photoshoot. Ten knew it was Johnny there but he was trying to not looking at him. It wasn't easy at all because they had to stand next to each other. Exactly next to each other. Even if he would like to talk to him, Johnny was just waking away.

Ten was frigtened but he had to make good expression for the photo.

"Hyung." Yangyang back hugged him when they had their break. "Let's go to the karaoke later okay?" he said jumping in tiny. Ten pulled him away and laughed. "We will see." he shook his head.

"Oh hi hyung." Yangyang said to Taeyong who approached them. He looked at Ten but he just smilled and nodded his head lightly.

"How you doing?" he asked Liu, but Ten wasn't longer listening their conversation. He just walked away.

The next part in the schedule was some show with Mark and Jungwoo as an mc. He had to appear in the group of foreign swaggers or something like that. Ofc there would be Johnny, againg, which made Ten terrified.

"Hi Ten bro!" Mark hugged him and patted his back. Johnny treated him literally like an air, like before, during group photoshoot.

Everyone saw the tension between two best friends but they couldn't do anything so they just hoped that Johnny and Ten would resolve their problem between them and they would be best friends fooling eachother, just like before.

But it was lasting too long so everyone started to loosing their hopes. After all Johnny had never been mad at somone so long before. No one knew what was happened but they knew that it was something really bad.

Was it? not at all.

Johnny was just incredibly stupid and he would find out about this soon.

But who knows.

Maybe it will be too late to understand things and fixing them...


After the show Ten was going for ice cream with Yangyang, Kun and Chenle but when he wanted to leave to company he heard voices from one of the waiting rooms. He really didn't want to eavesdrop but he recognized Johnny's and Jaehyun's voices so he just leaned against the wall near the open door, pretending to be doing something on his phone.

"So?" he heard Jaehyun's voice. It was silence after that but then he heard deep breath. "Can you just drop it? I don't want to talk about it. Don't you get it?" Johnny got angry.

"He is our friend, Johnny." Jaehyun sounded tired. "Not like usual friend. He is literally like our brother. Like Taeyong's or your's Johnny jeeez just be the man. You are not a kid anymore." Jaehyun's voice was louder now.

"You don't understand Jaehyun so stop talking about it." Johnny wanted to leave the room so Ten cursed under his nose not knowing what to do.

Suddenly Johnny appeared in front of him with emotionless facial expression, which kinda scared Ten. Also he didn't saw him for really long time so he couldn't even breath feeling creeps.

Johnny clenched his jaw and turned away, but Ten though now or never. "Can we talk?" He said bravely and Johnny stopped slowly turning to him. "What do you want?"

After this sentence Ten started to be more angry than scared so he just chuckeled crossing his arms. "Are you kidding me right now?" he said with sarcastically smile but Johnny started to walking away again.

Ten went after him and grabbed his shoulder so the older one stopped. "Can you tell me why do you avoid me?"

Johnny sighed and he took Ten's hand off his shoulder. "There is nothing to talk about Ten."

"Oh really? I don't think so." the younger got irritated. "So you're gonna ignore me for the rest of your life?" he asked.

"Exactly. We won't see each other anymore in a few years anyway." he answered feeling pain in his heart.

Ten looked at him with emptiness in the eyes. "Oh..." he whispered. "I see. So this is what you think..." he laughed quietly. "I perfectly understand." he said trying to stay still.

But instead of crying or shouting at Johnny, Ten just... walked away in the other way, ignoring Kun, Chenle and Yangyang who wanted to go for him and cheer him up but Kun stopped him shaking his head.

"Oh you are such a monster, Johnny..." Jaehyun left the room looking at the direction when Ten went end shook his head slowly. "You just lost him, I hope you are aware of this." he looked at him and walked away with the others leaving Johnny with his own thoughts.

I feel sorry for tennie :((

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