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Five months later

It was the day. Finally Ten could go back home.

His plane just landed in Seoul where Taeyong supposed to pick him up along with Jaehyun. Also, he hoped his best friend was ready to answer his every question connected with his relationship with the other boy.

Talking through facetime wasn't enough because Taeyong always said he had things to do. Of course it was an excuse but now, he had no choice and Ten hoped he knew it.

He took his luggage then went to find two boys. He rolled his eyes taking his phone and calling the older boy. "Where are you Tae..." he pouted looking around. "Oh my god it's today!" the other boy shouted. "You forgot? Really? I thought you couldn't wait to see me. You are such a good friend Lee Taeyong." he sighed shaking his head.

"Wait I will be there in a minute!" he said and te could hear his friend just stood up and took keys. "Nope, I will go by myself." Ten sighed and hang up.

He sat at the bench resting his head looking at contacts in his phone. "Maybe I should let him pick me up..." he started to regret his decision. He looked at one certain contact in his phone. He didn't use it for so long.

He just chuckled then picked Kun's number. Or so he thought before he had seen 'johnny <3' on the screen. And don't ask him why it was a heart next to Johnny's name. He didn't know neither.

He widened his eyes then clicked red button hoping he was fast enough to make it unnoticeable for the older one.

He cursed under his nose, finally calling Kun and ask him to give him a lift. And he agreed so Ten just had to wait.

He sat on the bench again hitting his head slightly. He just came back and accidentally called the older boy, who didn't contact him for the past year. Now he seemed like he craved for his friendship.

Oh who he lied to. He did crave it but obviously he couldn't show this. His life was miserable without Johnny and he couldn't be more mad at himself for this. "Freaking giant." he clenched his fists.

But then he heard someone was calling him. He stopped breathing looking at the screen. He bit his lip thinking what should he do.

After few seconds he finally... answer it.

He put the phone to his ear. "Hello? Ten?" he heard. He heard the voice he missed so much. It was silence for the next few seconds. "Tennie?" he heard but this time more quiet.

The younger boy closed his eyes then open them taking deep breath. "Oh? Is that you? Sorry I just wanted to check whose number was that... Nevermind now I know, then...bye." he said but before he hang up he heard the other boy. "You are saying the truth? You... deleted my number?" Ten had to admit that Johnny sounded disappointed.

He scratched his hand then smiled to himself. He hoped it will give him some strength he definetely needed. "Umm, yes I thought you did the same since you..." he felt the pain in his throat. "Since we are just co-workers. That's what you said..." he finished his sentence. The older one didn't respond which made Ten even more sad. His heart was broken. "Excuse me now, I'm meeting Kun so I have to go..." he hang up. breathing heavily. He felt like he wasn't breathing at all while talking with him.

And honestly?

He didn't want to repeat that. If Johnny meant what he said year ago, then he should have left him alone. He shouldn't have messed with him more. Because it was to hard for him.


"It's your fault Taeyong." Ten groaned walking in his room while the other boy was sitting at his friend's bed. "How is that my fault?" he defended himself. If you came I wouldn't have to call Kun and I wouldn't have acidentally call him." he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, let's say it's my fault. What did you tell him?" he asked curious. Johnny changed himself few days after Ten had lelt. He was just... himself again. And Taeyong didn't like it to be honest. It was like he didn't care about losing his best friend.

"I..." he stuttered. "I told him I didn't know whose number was that because I deleted the name..." he admitted feeling really bad right now.

Taeyong couldn't believe. It was like the most mean thing he could ever do. "Oh my dear." he opened his mouth in disbelief. "You think it was too much?"

"What?" the older one frowned. "Of course not Ten. He treated you like a shit. He deserved it, I'm sure of it." he nodded.

Ten sighed with closed eyes.

"Hey..." the other one started. "Did you... get over him?" he asked smiling slightly. He wanted Ten to be happy but he was afraid of the answer he would hear in a second.

"Tae..." Ten sat next to him on his bed. "I hope this time no one will hear us." he chuckled according to the situation that happened one year ago. "No worries..."

"Well, I must admit..." he lowered his head. "I didn't Tae... I just realised I really liked him you know. And, and it's so freaking weird. He is my-- he was my best friend since years... he was like brother to me but I don't consider him as one now..." he added sadly.

"Hey, stop... I get you. But there is nothing weird in this..." he tried to cheer him up. "Just like you and Jae, huh?" Ten smirked but Taeyong slapped his arm looking at the door. "Shut up." he whispered shouted.

"What. You said no one would hear us didn't you?" he raised his eyebrows.

Y-yeah." he scratched his neck. "I gotta go find something to eat." the Thai boy stood up and left the room heading to the kitchen where he started to looking some chips or something. He didn't find himself, but he remembered when some time ago, Yuta told him he was hiding his snack on the drawer which was the highest.

He smirked looking if the older wasn't there then he stood on his toes and reached into the cupboard but he was too short unfortunately. "Shit..." he cursed rolling his eyes, but before he turned around someone opened the cupboard and got some snack placing them on the kitchen counter.

Ten looked behind then freezed. He thought Johnny was out, that's why he came to 127 dorm, but it seemed like he was mistaken. "Thanks..." he said, without emotions then took the plastic bag and wanted to walk away but Johnny didn't let him placing one of his hand on the counter from left side, and another on the right side of Ten.

Another chapter because why not...

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