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Ten came back to his dorm. He couldn't hide his smile which was of course noticed by the rest of the members.

"What happened?" Lucas asked raising his eyebrows. "Nothing." Ten shrugged his shoulders not looking into his eyes. "Oh, does it have something with Johnny hyung?" he smirked sipping his water.

"I don't know maybe you should ask Jungwoo?" Ten said with a smile and Lucas didn't respond. He just narrowed his eyes and went to his room mumbling something.

Ten sighed thinking about Yangyang. He should definitely talk to him. He was aware it wouldn't be easy but he just had to do that.

That's why he went straight to his room, knocking and entering right away. "Hey..." he said to the boy who was lying on his bed and watching a series. "Hi hyung..." the younger one hugged his pillow coming back t watching on his laptop. "Can we talk?" Ten sat next to him.


"I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday." he said but Yangyang just smiled. "It's okay, you are just worried about me, I get it." he chuckled.

"Well, I treat you like my brother, so I just want to be honest with you..." he started. "Me and Johnny are actually dating..." he admitted shyly.

Yangyang's smile faded away and Ten was scared he would be mad at him but he was wrong. "Oh my god, I'm so happy for you! Finally." he hugged him with now a big smile. Ten was taken aback.

"Wait, you are not mad?" he asked.

Yangyang rolled his eyes. "Of course not, why would I be? I'm happy you are finally with someone you like. Anyways, for me it's just a mere crush and you are also my brother hyung." he patted is shouder which made Ten calmer right now. He was so happy when he saw how his friend reacted.


"So when will you take me to the beach?" Ten sighed looking at, now, his boyfriend who was sitting on the chair playing the game with Haechan. "Hyuck come here, I got this!" he said aggressively. "Wait a second Ten I have to win this." he said not even looking at younger boy who wad leaning against the wall.

He rolled his eyes then left the room to go and make himself a coffee. If Johnny was busy he had to take care about himself alone.

He sighed then started to boil water. When it was finally done he wanted to put it into glass but he acidentally poured it on himself and burn his hand. "Shit." he cursed then clenched his jaw feeling pain.

"What happened?" Johnny finally left his room after few minutes. Ten didn't respond he was just looking at his hand to check if it was red.

And of course it was, what did he even think?

"What did you do? You have to put it under cold water." Johnny got worried and took his hand and wanted to put it under the tap but Ten took his hand away then do it by himself.

Johnny frowned. "What's going on?" he asked but Ten didn't wvwn send him a simple glare. "Tennie..." he said cutely placing his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Tell me..."' he embraced his waist.

The younger boy blushed then pushed him slightly. "Nothing, you just are stupid." he explained. Johnny smiled. "Is it because I was plying game instead of cuddling you?" he asked and Ten didn't respond anything so johnny already knew it was this.

"Baby don't be such a child. You will have me all your life, so you shouldn't complain because I'm sure you will get tired of me one day." he chuckled and Ten blushed even more.

Did Johnny just say they would be together for their whole life?

All life was long time.

But he didn't complain.

He was happy.

"Okay, go away and make me a dinner." he said pushing him with his leg. "Of course baby. Will do." he winked at him.

Ten shook his head going to Johnny's room and sitting on his bed. But after a few seconds he sat at the desk and looked at the screen. He smirked checking if Johnny was still in the kitchen and started to play wearing headphones.

He wasn't stupid, he was aware how to play. Maybe not as perfect as Johnny but he could manage. "Hyung? Did you come back?" he heard Haechan's voice and he chuckled. "No, but I'm instead of him." he chuckled.

"Hi Ten hyunggg." Haechan immediately changed his voice to sweet and soft. "Yes yes, now play Hyuck." he said scanning the screen trying to win the match.

He didn't realize when Johnny entered the room with a bowl of ramen for him with a smile on his face. "Baby..." he came closer to him and kissed the top of his head. "Go away John, I'm playing. Wait." he pushed him not even giving him a glance.

Well 1-1 Johnny Suh.

"You are so mean to your boyfriend Ten hyung." Hyuck complained and Ten rolled his eyes. "Am I? I'm so curious what about Mark then." he chuckled shaking his head again when he didn't hear his younger friend response. That's what he thought.

"Yes!" he almost shouted when they won their match. "Great Job hyung, I didn't know you could play so good. You are even better than Johnny hyung." Donghyuck admitted.

"You are lucky he didn't hear that Hyuck." he giggled and took off headphones heading to Johnny's bed where the older was lying and doing something on his phone.

Ten smirked and sat on him taking the phone and throwing it somewhere on the bed. "You are ignoring me again." he heard.

"Me? It was you who chose playing instead of me." Ten complained leaning over Johnny who was just looking at him with his brows rised.

Ten couldn't believe it was real, it was so new to him. Few days ago he could only dream about that and now he was literally on top of Johnny who was his boyfriend.

"I love you." he smiled and Johnny thought he would start crying when he heard that. He wasn't aware how much Ten meant for him. "And I love you." he smiled resting his hand on Ten's cheek bringing his face closer.

Then he just kissed him still smiling. And Ten hoped he didn't see his red cheeks and quickly beating heart because he was beyond happy.

Thank you for reading :((
I'm planning to add special chapters soon and honestly I already miss johnten, AGAIN.
And Merry Christmas

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