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After hearing what Yangyang said, Ten couldn't believe it. I mean he liked Yangyang as well but... not like that.

"You can think about it..." Liu smiled and let go of his hand looking at his eyes and walked away. Ten was still looking ahead. He didn't know what should he do. "Wait!"


He did not even notice when he stood in front of building which he knew too well and facepalmed. "Seriously?" he sighed entered the bulding and going to the 127 dorm.

He was tired. Yangyang was at their dorm. Here was Johnny. "Maybe I just should go to the dream dorm." he said to himself laughing awkwardly.

He knocked and after Yuta had opened the door he went straight to Taeyong's room. He opened the door and closed his eyes immediately. "Shit, my eyes." he left the room when he saw Jaehyun and Taeyong in one bed. "I need to find other friends."

"What are you doing here Ten?" Yuta asked. "Nice to see you too, Yuta" he answered sarcastically but the older rolled his eyes. "If you are here you can go there." he pointed at Johnny's room.

"No, thanks." he said without emotions. Few minutes later Jaehyun left Taeyong's room not even looking at Ten's direction. "I saw everything Jung Jaehyun. You can pretend but I know the truth." he shouted and entred the room.

"You didn't text me that you would come." Taeyong said yawning. "I have never done it, Tae..." he said like it was something obvious but the older one rolled his eyes. "Listen, currently you are the only person I cant talk to." he sat next to him.

"Then I'm listening."

Ten looked at him taking a deep breath. "You sure no one will hear us?" he wanted to be sure. "Of course Ten. They have better things to do than standing and eavesdropping." he giggled quietly but Ten wasn't amused. "Yangyang confessed to me." he said without breathing looking at the floor.

"Who did what to you!?" Taeyong opened his eyes couldn't believe what Ten said, but seeing that the younger one was still in the same pose he covered his mouth with his hand. "But... You don't like him, right?" he said carefully.

"Of course not idiot." he sighed shaking his head and looked at his eyes. "But he said he can..." he stopped. "Help you move on from Johnny..." Taeyong wispered more like to himself than to Ten.

The Thai boy knew that pretending that he didn't like the older one was pointless so he just nodded.

"What are you planning?" Taeyong looked at him stroking his back "I hope that you will tell me." he laughed.

"Honestly, I don't know." Taeyong stopped smiling. "Do you want to move on?" he asked and Ten looked at him with sad smile...


"Thanks, Tae." Ten said taking deep breath before he left. "I really appreciate that..." he smiled and hugged him. "It's okay honey, you know you can always talk to me." he patted his head.

"True." he giggled and said. "Oh and next time please close the door because who knows what else you can do with Jaehyun." Ten winked and Taeyong blushed closing doors in front of his face.

"Ungreatful bitch." he whispered and shook his head. Looking right, he realized that the door in Johnny's room was opened. He raised his left eyebrow and asked. "Where's Johnny? " he looked at Doyoung.

"He left." he answered coming back to reading his book. "When exactly?" he tensed and Doyoung sighed. "I don't know. Maybe twenty minutes ago."

"Did he leave as soon as he left his room?" Taeyong said with hesitation.

"Taeyong, why the hell is that so important?" Doyoung got annoyed with the younger's behavior. "I guess he was doing something near your room but I don't know what if you want to know." he said and left kitchen going to his room.

"Holy shit." he grabbed his head and felt unpleasant feelings in somach. "Why do I feel like it is my fault?!" he said louder not knowing what to do.


The next day the boys started recording their new album. All wayv, aparf from lucas, beacuse of his hiatus, and winwin who was in China, reached the company.

The first thing they had to do was recording their songs, which would probably take a lot of time. Not all of them during one day of course.

They entered studio and greeted stuff. "Okay can we begin?" one of the producers asked and they nodded.

After Ten had finished his part he left the room so he could go buy coffee. To be more specific it would be his fourth coffee that day.

"Oh hi Ten." he heard and turned away. "Hi hyung." he said smiling cutely. "How you doing?" he asked waiting for his coffee.

"Good, we are recording earthquake right now so I'm kinda tired. " he answer shrugging his shoulders. "Did you make up with Johnny?" he asked.

Ten tensed. He looked at the floor and thought. They didn't even fight so what should he say? "Everything is good." he smiled lightly without looking in Doyoung's eyes and the older one raised his eyebrow.

"Oh really?" He asked, surprised. "Then you must have talked yesterday, that's why he was standing next to Tae's room." he smiled. "Now it makes sense..." he shook his head.

"What did you say?" Ten said looking straight in his eyes. He clenched his fists with nerves. Doyoung looked at him clueless. "So you didn't talk to him?"

Ten open his eyes widely. He felt like fainting, so he leaned against the counter trying to maintain balance. "Hey are you okay? Seriously why you and Taeyong react in the same way when I say that?" Doyung didn't know what was going on. "Taeyong knows?"

"Knows what?"

Ten rolled his eyes and left the company's cafe. He went straight to studio when 127 were recording but then he realized that Johnny was also there so he turned back and grabbed his head. "I'm doomed." he said with shaky voice knowing that Johnny probably knew about him having crush on him.

"What to do?" he said feeling tears in his eyes. Not only he lost his bestfriend but now also his life was ruined. Would Johnny never talk to him again?

Thinking that Johnny and him would never talk again was horrible. It lasted one month and he felt like he lost half of his heart.

"Ten?" he heard behind him so he turned back and looked at Taeyong. Oh what a luck it was Taeyong and no one else.

He can't hold his tears anymore. The older one seeing this went to him and hug him tightly. "He knows Tae." he said in his neck. "H-he knows."

"I'm sorry Ten. It's all my fault." Taeong felt guilty. He shouldn't have let Ten speak about it in dorm. He was so stupid. "I will fix it I promise Ten..." he tried to cheer him up but honestly he didn't know what to do. He couldn't tell Johnny that he misherad, he didn't even talk to him after that incident because the older one didn't come back to dorm yesterday.

Ten pulled off Taeyong lightly and tried to take a deep breath. "No Tae. I should have known that it will happen one day." He smiled lightly, wipping his eyes.

"I have to fix it myself." he whispered.

Do I feel... drama?

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