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Johnny was speechless.  When he came back to his dorm he slammed the door so hard that Doyoung came out of his room to see wat was happened. "Dammit Johnny you will buy new door!" he said angrily. "I can't with you."

"What happened?" Taeyong asked also coming out of his room together with Jaehyun. He looked at Doyoung and then Johnny who looked at them feeling betrayed. "You knew it, didn't you?" he asked with sarcastic smile. Taeyong raised his eyebrows not knowing what was Johnny talking about. "All of you knew and no one told me." he grabbed his head closing his eyes.

"What are you talking about Johnny?" Jaehyun asked but Johnny just looked at him.

"Don't play stupid Jae" he said. Taeyong wanted to say something because his behaviour was starting to be annoying. "No..." he looked at Taeyong. "Why no one told me Ten is in China for a fucking month?!" he said louder.

All of them looked at themselves. Taeyong was feeling guilty for a second but then he said. "Well, he is there for month and you found out now?" he laughed being mad. "You weren't interested in him during past month John. Anyway Ten didn't want to tell you and in contrary to you, I respect him." he said coming back to his room.

"What?" Johnny didn't want to believe that Ten said something like that. He couldn't... "You are lying... He couldn't say something like that." he said not even thinking. He was Ten's bestfriend, so why would he say something like that.

Taeyong frowned. No one said anything. "Are you kidding me now? You are acusing me of lying?" he pointed at himself coming closer to him. Johnny knew he just made Taeyong mad. "You think that after what you said to him you are still his best friend?" he chuckled, but he knew Ten would forgive him anyway... "Then you are wrong. And I won't let you hurt MY best friend again." he said then left to his room.

He couldn't believe Johnny really thought it was okay and with one conversation and sweet words Ten would forgive him.


"What?" Ten rised his voice while talking with Taeyong. "I thought he would finally confess..." he sighed.

"He doesn't like me Ten, stop this." Taeyong said blushing but the younger one could see sadness on his face. "Are you okay?" he smiled. He didn't want to see his friend sad. Ten was enough. "Yeah..."

"Are you sure?" Ten asked. "Yes Ten, it's okay. But we all miss you..." Taeyong chuckled while looking at his friend through his phone. Ten rolled his eyes when his friend changed the topic but decided to leave it. For now... "It's just two months Tae... I will be back soon." he smiled, but he knew it wasn't truth. He still had to record the show which would take him next three months.

Well, at least he wouldn't have to thing about some things.

Johnny still didn't text him nor call him. It seemed like he really was nothing to him. Nothing more, just a regural co-worker. It was sad, but he had to get used to new reality.

It even sounded ridicoulus. Why did he care anyways?

"Okay, I gotta go... Work is calling for me." he smiled. Taeyong just looked at him and bag under his eyes. He didn't want to tell him he noticed that but he was afraid it would make him mad so he just dropped it. "Okay, call me soon!" Taeyong smiled waving at him.

Ten rolled his eyes then ended the call. He looked through the window and sighed with his smile fading away.

The truth was he wanted to go back. Work was the only thing that held him there. He also couldn't meet with Sicheng so often which was even worse.

Well, at least he hoped when he was be back it would be better than before. Him and Johnny would be just co-workers.

Just like the older said.


Fortunately, he had some free time next day. Santa asked him to go sightseeing so Ten was glad he wouldn't spend his free time alone.

"Hi." he smiled hugging his friend. "How are you?" the older one asked (m not sure how old is santa tho...). "We literally saw each other two days ago." Ten chuckled and Santa rolled his eyes. "It's okay tho..." he smiled sadly.

Santa sensed it and rised his eyebrow. "Are you sure? You look homesick. You know I noticed that before." he sighed walking along the path. Ten didn't look at him. "I'm just tired." he replied.

"Oh, of course you are, you are consantly on your phone Ten, better be hankful the rest of crew is so understanding." he laughed shortly and Ten looked at him with his eyebrows rised. "I'm not." he complained.

"Oh but you do." the other one patted his shoulder. "Let's go to ice cream." he changed the topic when he noticed small cafe. "Fine." Ten rolled his eyes and went after his friend.

When they finally got what they wantred Ten gave Santa his phone and posed. "Take a photo of me." he ordered. "You are doing this again."

"I just want a photo." Ten rolled his eyes. "Come on, quickly." he waved at him, and right after the older one tok a photo Ten took back his phone and posted it on his instagram, inside hoping that the specific person would see this.

Oh, he was so delusional (just like me)

"Okay what do you wanna do now?" the older one said looking at his friend who was still looking at the screen. "Your ice cream is melting." he facepalmed and Ten looked at it rapidly licking the waffle. "Gosh..."

"If you didn't look at your phone, it wouldn't happen." he shrugged. "Lover boy..." he smirked what Ten heard. "I'm not." he blushed. "You just admitted this." Santa chuckled.

"Okay nevermind, let's go eat dinner and then go home. Anyway, we have schedule tomorrow so we don't have much time." he explained looking at the time and Ten agreed with him.

boring today but next chapter will be better heh

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