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"Still nothing?" Winwin asked Ten. The Thai boy called Winwin, who was currently in China. Ten shook his head and sighed. "It's okay. He is probably busy." Ten tried to make an excuse for his best friend but to be honest, he didn't know what to say anymore. He really wanted to believe that Johnny is busy but Taeyong was his constant source of information, so he knew that they weren't as busy as he could think.

"I miss you Sicheng." Ten pretended to cry and pouted. "So come to me." the younger one suggested which caused Ten's surprise. The older one thought for a moment but quicky shook his head. "Nah, I have a lot of things to do here."

"Okay but remember..." Winwin said pointing at him through the phone... "China is waiting for you." he added. They had been talking for some time before then left his dorm.

He just wanted to go for a walk. Like he used to for the last few days. He had to admit that he missed Johnny. Maybe they didn't see each other too much before, but they had been texting. Thanks to that Ten didn't feel as lonely as now.

Of courde he had wayv members with him and he loved them so much but it wasn't the same with Johnny. The older one was special in some way, Ten didn't even know how to explain.

"Hyung!" he heard someone's voice. "Oh, Jungwoo... hi." he said. "What are you doing here?" he asked but then he realized how stupid question was it. "I'm buying coffee for members..." he sighed pouting "Alone?"

"Yeah I lost to Haechan..." he rolled his eyes. "Again."

"Oh now I see." Ten patted his shoulder. "Do you need help?" he suggested. When he saw so many cups off coffee that had been brought by the waiter, he thought that Jungwoo couldn't take them alone. "No need hyung." he smiled almost pouring on of them.

"Really Jungwoo I don't have anything to do, so let me help you." he said politely taking half of them. "Thanks."

"So, how you doing these days?" Ten askeed sending a gaze to the younger. "Oh we are preparing our repackage." he said smiling "But I haven't seen you since almost one month?" he said but it sounds more like a question.

Ten laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, you are busy so I didn't want to interrupt you guys."

"I don't know. For me it's kinda borring without you. You know yours and Johnny's energy when you are together." he shrugged his shoulder without hesitation while he was opening the door to the company building.

Ten suddenly felt something strange in his stomach. He was going to meet Johnny after long time.

Curently him and Jungwoo were in the elevator waiting for their floor. When they stopped they went towards door at the on of the hallway. Jungwoo opened the door and they entered practice room with a smile, or maybe in Ten's case very awkward smile. "I'm back and I have a surprise." Jungwoo stated putting the order on the floor so Ten did the same.

"Hyung!" Haechan hugged him tightly. "Let him breathe, Hyuck." Taeyong pulled the younger away. "You are mean..." he pouted.

"Go annoying Mark, Hyuckie." Ten ruffled his hair, and the boy smiled cutely. "Well, hi?" Taeyong said raising his left eyebrow. "Go practice guys!" he told them before he sat on the floor with the blond one. "I guess still nothing?" Taeyong looked at Johnny who was dancing with Jaehyun in the corner of the room not even looking in Ten's direction which was hurtful for him.

"I don't care..." he shrugged his shoulders looking back at Taeyong, who laughed wipping his non existing tears. "Okay, Ten good joke." he said and embrace him. "Frankly speaking I have no idea what's going on..." he said seriously. "I was trying to find out something but I can't read his face, shit. The complete opposite of you..." he sighed. "Ouch." he shouted when Ten hit him slightly.

"Should I talk to him?" he asked "I don't know Ten." Taeyong answered honestly.

"No-" he decided after one minute. "I don't want to run after him so I won't do it." he said.

"You are probably right..." the older one agreed.

"I am right but you still run after Jaehyun, Tae." he sighed smirking. "Shut up bitch..." he covered his mouth looking around to see if anyone heard them. "Jeez I hate you." he said leaning against the wall and put his hands on his head.

"I'm honest Tae." Ten defented himself. "You should make him to run after you. Remember my words." he said and stood up. "Bye guys!" he shouted smiling and waving to the others. He didn't even look at Johnny. And he hoped that the older one noticed it.

"Buy hyung!" Haechan shouted with wide smile. "I love you!" he added but then he felt pain in his head after Yuta hit him slightly. "Taeyong hyung, he hit me!" he cried messaging aching place.

"Yes haechan I know you love me..." Ten rolled his eyes and left the room, and few minutes later also a company.


"Where have you been?" Yangyang asked when Ten entered the dorm. "Why don't you sleep?" he skipped the question and smiled cutely "Did you drink your milk?"

"No need to be so mean hyung..." Liu said squinting his eyes "And yes, I always drink my milk." he snorted pretending to be offended.

"I was at the company." he said without hesitation hoping that the younger one would change the topic "Why are you asking tho?"

"Just because..." he said rolling his eyes. "So you just wanted to meet Johnny hyung?" he smirked sitting at the table and glanced at the blond one.

"Jeez Yangyang you are so annoyng..." Ten growled. "I met Jungwoo so I decided to help him carry the coffee for the members. Are you satisfied now?"

"Very." he answered. "Seeing your behaviour I assume that nothing has changed." he sighed eating cake he had found out in the fridge. Xiaojun would probably yell at him later but nevermind.

"Nope, and why are you still talking about it." Ten got angry. "Seriously there is nothing to talk about."

"Hyung you are not like that. Where is your confidence?" Yangyang asked, disappointed. "You have to show him that you really don't care, not crying for him." he summed up.

"Thanks for your valuable notice." he said sarcastically. "By the way, where is everybody?" he had noticed before that no one was present at the dorm. It was too quiet for this.

"They said that they were going to play or something. I wasn't listening." he shrugged his sholulder and put airpods in his ears.

"Of course you wasn't listening." Ten rolled his eyes and went to his room sitting on the bed. He had free time so he decided watch a movie and be bored for the rest of the day.

"Wow, I'm seriously miserable without this fricking giant." he noticed. "It's a shame to admit tho."


It's boring now I know...but just wait

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