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So basically 'Favorite' came out last week, and Ten had to admit that it was really good. I mean of course it was. Johnny was still ignoring the blonde one, and Ten started to feel irritated.

"I don't care about this stupid man..." he shrugged his shoulder pouring juice into a glass and taking a sip. "After all it's his loss..." he chuckled. "I have the best people around me so why would I need him?" he said wiping the table with a rag.

"I definetely don't need his fucking ass." he said angrily and sighed.

Little did he know that the rest of wayv were standing in the door and looking at him like he was crazy.

"Ten?" Kun said calmy. "Are you okay?" he asked not wanting to piss him off.

"Oh..." the Thai boi said with wide eyes. "How long have you been standing here?" he laughed awkwardly.

"We just entered." Xiaojun said, but the truth was they heard everything from the beginning. Everyone except Kun left to their room.

"Ten..." he said sitting at the table where Ten was. "I can't stand seeing you like that." he confessed looking at the younger with worriedly. "You are not yourself after Johnny started to ignore you. I tried to not mention it but it is starting to be worse. Do you understand?" he said firmly.

Ten was listening while sitting in front of him and resting his head on his hand. "What do you suggest?" he asked.

"Go to him and talk, Ten you are adult, I don't know." he said walking away.

Ten sighed. He was doubly stressed. In one week they would start making their latest album so working with Johnny was inevitable.

"Hyung, can we go for a walk?" Yangyang asked. Ten looked at him with loud sigh. "Sure." he said and stood up. He went to his room and took the firs hoodie he saw. But when he wore it and looked at the mirror he groaned and stamped his foot seeing that the fabric belonged too Johnny. "Fucking Johnny Suh I hate him." he whisper-shouted.

He probably took this hoodie when he was at 127 dorm.

"It even smells like him." he fake cried sniffing the fabric. "I can't stand this anymore." he said.

"Are you going?" Yangyang came into his friend's room. "Oh hyung..." he hugged the older one. Well, Yangyang wasn't too affectionate and didn't like too much skinship but he saw that even if Ten looked okay, he wasn't. He just didn't want to worry them.

"You have to find a boyfriend." he said patting him on the back "Are you sick?" Ten looked at him with schock in the eyes. "I'm serious hyung. Time to stop crying over someone who doesn't like you back" he said seriously.

"I don't like him." Ten answered calmly but to be honest he wasn't sure anymore. "Okay just shut up and just go." he kicked him toward the door. "We are going out." he shouted and left the dorm.

"Anyway, why did you want to go out?" he asked. Yangyang had never asked him about something like that. Something like that he meant calm walk. Calm walk meant seriously talking and Ten had enough talking about serious things.

"Yangyang if you still want to talk to me about Johnny then stop because I won't listen to it do you understand? It's not your business anyway" he got angry.

Yangyang looked at him with sad smile and sat on the bench in the park which was empty. "Sit hyung." he patted place next to him so Ten sighed and did what the younger one had asked "It is so calm, don't you think so?" he asked closing his eyes.


Taeyong also had enough. He couldn't look at Ten who was sad and Johnny who... Taeyong didn't even know what had happened with Johnny. He was like shadow. Damn, Taeyong could even say that Johnny had stopped talking to anyone.

But it was time to solve the problem. Taeyong decided to talk with the older, because his behaviour hurt all members and destroyed atmospehere in the dorm.

"Enough Johnny." he said sternly entered the older one's room. Haechan who was feeling something, just left the room and went to Mark's.

Johnny looked at his friend and rolled his eyes, putting down his phone "What do you want Tae?" he asked.

Taeyong opened his eyed wider and rubbed his forehead with his hand. "You are asking me what do I want?" he couldn't believe how Johnny was acting. "Tell me what's wrong with you." he pointed at him "You destroy atmospehere in the dorm. None of us know what is wrong with you? If you don't want to talk, just do something because your behaviour is horrible!" he shouted.

Taeyong couldn't help himself. Johnny had to know and realize that what he was doing was bad. Before he left the room he had said "And go talk with Ten because, I don't know why do you ignore him but I'm sure it isn't his fault." he said trying to calm himself, then he left and slammed the door.

He went to his room and sat on the bet rubbing his face with his hands. he wanted to cry.

"Hey, Tae are you okay?" Jaehyun entered the room and closed the door behind him, thn he sat next to Taeyong embracing him, and stroking his back.

"How could I be a leader if I couldn't even fix this situation?" feeling Jaehyun's warmth he hugged him and started to cry. "Don't say that Tae. You are the best leader." Jaehyun assured him. "They have to fix it alone. Please don't blame yourself okay?" he asked. "Promise me, you won't blame yourself." he repeated.

Taeyong looked at his eyes and blushed seeing how close was Jaehyun "I p-promise." he whispered taking a deep breath.

"Take a nap, you are tired..." Jaehyun said gently pushing the boy away, burt Taeyong grabbed his hand before he stood up. "Um..." he stuttered and looked away "C-can you stay?" he asked.

Jaehyun smiled slightly "Sure." he answered and lied on the bet next to Taeyong who turned his back to him. The brunett put his hand around Taeyong's waist and pull him closer, closing his eyes.

After a few minutes Taeyong fell asleep, and he had to admit that he hadn't slept so well for a long time...


"So? Do you want to tell me something?" Ten asked feeling that Yangyang didn't want to just go and sit on the bench. The younger one opened his eyes and turned his head in Ten's direction. "So you say you don't want to talk with him?" he want to be sure.

"How many times do I have to tell you that no, I don't want to talk with him. I don't care anymore." he sighed. The truth was kinda different but nevermind. "But can you tell me why did we come here?" Ten was annoyed. "If no, then I am going home." he stood up but Yangyang took his hand and stopped him.

"I like you hyung. I can help you forget about him if you let me." he tangled their fingers together.


Chapter today because I said so.

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