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As you were waking up, you felt the warmth of the soft blanket over bare body, shielding you from the cold. You felt around the bed for keigo but he wasn't there, you sighed as you opened your eyes and looked over to your side to see a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol pills.

"Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well, how are you feeling?" Keigo asked you. You sat up and looked in his direction.

He was standing in the door way, wearing grey sweats,With two cups of coffee in both of his hands."Can this man get any sexier?" You thought before responding to him. "Morning, I slept fine and I feel a little nauseous but I'm okay" You said yawning .

He walked over to you and sat the mugs down on the nightstand, while sitting down next to you."Damn, already I at least thought it would've took a week for you to get pregnant" He joked knowing you had a hangover.

"Ahh, so you got jokes huh?" You said looking for your underwear and bra.
"What you wouldn't want to have my kids?" He asked looking at you like you hurt his feelings.

"Nigga..I just met you why the fuck would I be thinking about having yo kids this soon?" You laughed a little, while putting on your bra and underwear and one of keigo's shirts.

"Well, you did let me hit on the first date and you told me you love me so.." He looked to the side with his lip poking out. "So?" You said playfully rolling your eyes and smiling a little.
"So, doesn't that mean you wanna have my kids?" He looked at you wide eyed, waiting on your response.

"Hell nah!" you said looking at him crazy. He scoffed, looking at you while holding his chest like you offended him.

"Thanks for dropping me off, I'll text you later" You said grabbing your purse and giving him a kiss on the lips."No problem, ok" He said as you got out of the car. He waited to leave until you were all the way inside the elevator and the door was closed.

Once you got inside your apartment, you locked your door and then went straight to your bedroom, you decided to take a shower before you laid down to take a nap, because you had to go to work at 10:00 later tonight you only had a two hour shift tonight so you were happy about that. You picked out something comfortable to put on when you got out of the shower.

After you got out of the shower you moisturized your body with cocoa butter body oil and lotion. And then went into your bathroom, brushed your teeth and did your skin care routine then went back into your bedroom plugging up your phone to charge and setting an alarm for 9:00, you climbed into bed covering yourself with your blanket and turned on your tv, lowering the volume just so you had a little background noise while you slept.

(I think I'm the only one who sleeps like this😭)

You jolted awake from the sound of your alarm blasting in your ear, you groaned in pain and annoyance.
"WHY THE FUCK THIS SHIT SO LOUD!?" you groaned out, you picked up your phone and hit the stop button on the alarm and laid back down,
"Fuck that shit, that job can kiss my ass. I ain't going" you thought. As you were about to drift off to sleep, you felt a hard smack on your face.

'SMACK' "WHAT THE FUCK?!" You shouted as you jumped up and punched the person in their face that slapped you. "DAMN, BITCH MANLY ASS PUNCH" Kaitlyn said turning on the light holding her face.

"I'ma beat yo ass, why the fuck you in my house smacking me out of my sleep and shi, thought I was at church witcho ass hitting me like that?!" You said looking at her annoyed. "Cause, it's time for yo bitch ass to get up and get ready for work" she said rolling her eyes and walking out the room. "I regret giving that bitch a spare key" you thought to yourself, getting out of bed and slamming the door.

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