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It was Friday, April 1st 8:40 pm. You were sitting on your countertop staring down at the pregnancy test that laid beside you. You were nervously waiting for the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant" to pop up on the little digital screen of the test.

You checked the time on your phone reading, 8:42 pm. You looked at the test again and tears formed in your eyes, you tried not to cry but your emotions took over. Before you completely broke down, you took the second test out of the box and took it.

You looked at the second test two minutes later and started crying again. You didn't know what to do, you started thinking of how you were going to tell keigo. The more you started thinking the harder you cried. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't even hear the front door open, keigo walked into the bathroom and saw you curled up in ball, bawling your eyes out on the floor. He quickly rushed over to you, trying to comfort you the best that he could.

"Baby, what's wrong? What happened? Are you okay? Why're you crying? Baby talk to me" He said holding you, and caressing your face.

You didn't speak or look at him, instead you just kept crying. He held you for a few minutes as you continued to cry in his arms but soon left you alone, until you were ready to talk. When you finally calmed down you got up from the floor and fixed yourself in the mirror, you then walked out of the bathroom and went into your bedroom. Keigo was sitting at the edge of the bed patiently waiting for you, you looked at him and sat next to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked rubbing your back.

"I-" You started to speak but stopped yourself so you could take a deep breath.

"I have to tell you something" You said as you looked down at your hands that were sitting in your lap.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked side eyeing you.

You were speechless, you looked at him and started crying again. He pulled you into a tight hug, rubbing your back and kissing your forehead.

"It's gonna be okay" He said.

"Hey..look at me" He said holding your face in his hands. You looked up at him with your red puffy eyes and tear stained face, sniffling softly.

"We're gonna get through this, ok" He said wiping your tears away.

"You're not mad?" You asked him.

"No. Why would I be? I love you so much" He said kissing you softly.

"I love you too" You said kissing him back.

"Guess what, baby" He said looking down at you, giving you a small smile.

You wiped your face and looked at him. "What?" You said.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He said with the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh my god" You said as you rolled your eyes and fell back on the bed.

14 days later~ apirl 15 , 2022 11:00am

You woke up feeling a wave of nausea rush over you, you jumped out of your bed and ran to your bathroom lowering your head above the toilet bowl as you felt your stomach contract and your dinner from last night come back up, You groaned at the feeling and flushed the toilet slowly picking yourself up from the floor.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and grabbed some tissues wiping your mouth and washing your hands. You sighed deeply as you walked back into your room and laying back down, before you could get comfortable again and go back to sleep Kaitlyn rushed in your room disturbing your peace like she always does.

"Y/n! Wake yo fat ass up" She shouted turning on the light.

You exhaled deeply and pulled the blanket over your head trying to go back to sleep.

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