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[Sorry for any spelling errors]

"Hey sexy mamas, how my nephew doin?" Kaitlyn asked as she sat down on the couch with a bottle of juice in her hand.

You looked her and furrowed your eyebrows "He alright, I'm just ready for him to come out tho. But did you just take my apple juice from my fridge?" You asked her.

She slightly looked over at you as she slowly took a sip from the bottle, not saying anything.

You smacked your lips and shook your head as you went back to watching your movie. "For Every bottle you drink you owe me five dollars for it, I hope you know that." You said not taking your attention away from the tv.

She sighed deeply. "So I gotta give yo ass Sixty dollas?! GYATT damn" She exclaimed. You quickly snapped your head towards her and looked at her like she was crazy "Nah hoe you owe me a hunnid n twenty, You fuckin guzzle mouthed ass bitch, ain't nobody tell you to drink all my shit up, I just bought that fuckin juice and yo ass really sat up there and drank all twelve of them little ass bottles." You said indignantly.

"Girl calm the fuck down witcho pregnant ass, it's just juice and you know Ima buy it back for you." She said rolling her eyes and finishing up the last of the juice.

"Awl and by the way I drank yo cranberry juice too." She said before letting out a manly ass burp.

Without looking at her, you picked up your house shoe from the floor and threw it at her; hitting her dead in her forehead. "I'm finna beat tf outta you on mala's soul fam, cause you really got me fucked up." You said as you got up from your seat and started throwing hands.

"Aye aye aye" Keigo said as he walked towards the both of y'all, trying to break yall up.

"What's going onnn bruh" He said holding you back. "She drunk up all my goddamn juice so now I want my ones wit ha, greedy ass bitch." You said panting.

"Bae come on now, it ain't that serious. It's just juice." He said smacking his lips and letting you go. "Awl so you tryna get beat up too?!" You asked raising your eyebrows.

"Nahhh, I'm good. But you ain't gotta beat her up" He said defenseless.

You calmed down and went to sit back down "Yeah aight but yo ass still paying me back" You said mean mugging Kaitlyn.

"Yea whateva" She said rolling her eyes.

"Matter of fact go to the store and get my juice now and I still want my money" You said looking at her. She sighed deeply, rolling her eyes and grabbed her keys "Damn, yo ass can't say please and thank you?" She said.

"Nah mf I can't, and we finna leave so when you get it put the shit in the fridge and go the fuck home and I want my money now hoe" You said holding your hand out.

She rolled her eyes and handed you the cash then started walking towards the door. "Yeah aight, tu casa es mi casa también mf" She said as she left out the front door.

"Bae" Keigo called out to you from the kitchen.

"Hmm?" You hummed back.

"We still taking pictures today at 5 right?" He asked as he walked back into the living room with a container of cut up apples and cheese, handing it to you.

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