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• Sorry for any spelling mistakes •

"You can't stay in here forever" Keigo said leaning on the door frame of your bathroom. You looked at him and carefully turned over facing the windows of your bedroom and pulled the blanket over your head. He walked over to you and slightly lifted the blanket from your face; making you shield your eyes from the light.

You sighed deeply and snatched the blanket from above your face, bringing it back down over your head.
"Why should I leave?" You asked as your voice was being muffled by the blanket.

He exhaled deeply then sat down next to you "Because, you need to get out and get some air. Plus you need some sunlight, you're in need of a little vitamin D" He said snickering at his last statement.

You slightly pulled the blanket from your eyes and the tip of your nose; and looked at him. "Get the fuck out, you always saying some dumb shit. Get on my fucking nerves" You said. " 'You're in need of a little vitamin D', nigga shut the fuck up n move. You need some damn sunlight wit yo pale ass" You said kicking him in his side, making him stand up and smack his lips.

"Damn, y/n I was just tryna help. Lose the fucking attitude" He said walking back into the bathroom to wash his face.

After a few seconds you finally got up and went into the bathroom to pee. "Or what?" You said sitting down on the toilet. He looked at you and laughed "Or we gon have a problem." He said.

"Pfft-" You said.

"You ain't gon do shit, you're too much of a little bitch to do anything." You said as You flushed the toilet and walked over to your sink, washing your hands.

"Keep playing with me and find out" He said side eyeing you.

"You'd probably cry if I went out and got dick from Dabi, wouldn't you?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.

He clenched his jaw, tightly gripping onto the counter with both hands as his back muscles flexed. You slightly took a step back as a small smirk crept up on your face. He looked at you and in one swift motion, his hand was grasping at your throat, leaving you without air. Your body became hot and your knees became weaker as he choked you.

You couldn't deny that you were getting turned on from the way he was handling you, if you were being completely honest with yourself you loved it. He let go and allowed you to catch your breath. You coughed and panted heavily while slightly bending over. He took his right hand and lifted your chin up, you sniffled while looking up at him with an innocent look. In one quick motion he wrapped his arms around your thighs, lifting you up and carried you into the bedroom.

Keigo threw you on the bed and you landed with a light gasp. "Be careful" you hissed, leaning back on your elbows to watch Keigo strip. Humming in approval when you saw the prominent bulge in his boxers.

Keigo grabbed your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Sliding your panties off with ease, he dipped a finger into your cunt. "You're such a slut" he groaned, pulling your shirt up around your head.

"Fuck, just like that. Please Keigo" You whined as he added another finger. Thrusting quickly into your wet pussy.

"If you wanted dick, all you had to do was ask, baby" He murmured against your thigh, admiring the way you fucked yourself against his fingers. You were a vision of pure ecstasy; your fingers twisted in the sheets as you rolled your hips against Keigo's hand "More. Keigo, please-

Keigo chuckled, "more what? Do you want to come ? Already?" You nodded, unable to speak because of how hard you bit your lip. The blonde added a third finger and curled them upwards. His slick fingers massaged your gspot pulling erotic moans from the you. "Fuck-" he croaked and kissed your thigh. He licked and sucked and bit; leaving dark bruises all over tender flesh. You whined when Keigo pulled his hand away. The blonde, slid between your legs and smashed your lips together. Your tongues danced and wrestled. It was messy and passionate. Both of you, feeling extremely desperate.

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