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You woke up feeling a wave of nausea rush over you, you jumped out of your bed and ran to your bathroom lowering your head above the toilet bowl as you felt your stomach contract and your dinner from last night come back up, You groaned at the feeling and flushed the toilet slowly picking yourself up from the floor.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and grabbed some toilet paper wiping your mouth and washing your hands. You sighed deeply as you walked back into your room and laying back down. You picked up your phone from your nightstand beside you and unlocked reading the time and the date
'May 8, 11:03 am' "Mother's Day" you sighed deeply turned your phone off putting it back on the nightstand and trading it for your remote.

As you looked to find something to watch on tv you didn't even notice keigo was gone, he walked into the room with two plates of food and a bouquet of red roses.

As you looked to find something to watch on tv you didn't even notice keigo was gone, he walked into the room with two plates of food and a bouquet of red roses

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You gasped in shock "For meee" You said as you looked at the plate almost slavering. "Yes, Happy Mothers Day love" He said kissing you on your forehead and handing you your plate, He then walked to the other side of the bed and sat down eating his food.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He asked wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"Nothing really, just chill I'm really tired" You said as you chewed on a piece of bacon. He hummed and grabbed the remote that sat in-between the two of you and put on a movie.

After y'all ate he took y'all's plates back into the kitchen and cleaned up, when he came back you were asleep. He got into the bed and laid next to you wrapping his arm around you holding you tightly.

Three hours later, his alarm went off which woke you up making you grab a pillow and start beating him with it.
"Ow! What the fuck?!" He cried out.
"Turn that damn alarm off, waking me out of my fucking sleep" You said as you laid back down and went back to sleep.
He raised his head and looked at you "It's going off for a reason" He said as he turned it off. "And that reason is..?" You asked as you turned to look at him. "It's a surprise, now get up and get dressed" He said as he got out of the bed. You groaned "Nooo, I'm too lazyyy" You said rolling over on your back with your eyes closed and arms above your head. He walked over to you and started tickling you making you laugh but get agitated quickly "STOPPP, IT TICKLES. STOP DOING THATTT" You cried out as you accidentally kicked him in his balls.

He winced and fell on the floor holding his crotch. You sat up and crawled to the edge of the bed to see if he was okay but he wasn't there. 'What the hell, where did he go?' You thought. He came behind you tackling you, pinning you to bed and continued to tickle you til you cried. You were out of breath panting and wiping your tears. "I hate you" You said as you pushed him off of you and walked over to your bathroom.

Before you made it through the door he grabbed your arm dragging you back to him and pulling you into his chest "Don't be mad, I'm sorry. I love you" He said as he caressed your cheek and kissed your lips. You rolled your eyes and kissed him back before pulling away and going into the bathroom. He slapped your ass making you jump and moan at the pain.

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