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It was 10:00 am, you woke up and felt two big muscular arms around your body. You turned around to face keigo staring at his sleeping figure, you bring your hand up to his face and caress it with your thumb.

You placed a gentle kiss against his lips, He slowly kissed you back. You laughed softly.

"Sorry, I thought you were sleep".
He looked at you then gently placed his hand on your cheek and caressed it lightly with his thumb.

"Yeah, I was..why're you apologizing though, I like it when you do that."

You looked at him"Why?"

"Because it lets me know that you're still here and that you haven't left." He sighed.

"You think I'll leave you?" You asked him furrowing your eyebrows.

"Yeah..i mean c'mon you can't tell me you won't eventually get bored and just dip without telling me" He said raising his eyebrows  in a "you know I'm right" manner.

"Are you being serious right now" you said rolling your eyes and scoffing at his words.

"You literally just said you loved me, not once but twice. And I've said it  too, so if you know I love you why would you say some stupid shit like that" You looked at him.

"Baby, I would never leave you.. I love you and I want you to know that. Like you said we've known each other for a while now so you shouldn't think that I would ever leave you." You kissed him passionately.

"I love you so much" He said as his voice cracked a little.

"I love you too" you said as you wiped a tear from his face.

For the rest of the morning the two of you just decided to enjoy each other's company and lay in bed together until it was time for you to head back home.

As you were getting out of the car keigo grabbed your hand."Hey uh, if you're not busy..you wanna hang out today?" He asked looking down a little still holding your hand.

You snickered a little "Is this your way of asking me to go on a second date with you?" You tilted your head as you smiled at him.

"Y-yeah" He said blushing a little.

"Yeah, I'd love to" you said getting back into the car, holding his cheek and giving him a kiss.

You got out the car and shut the door, you started walking away.

"What time?!" You asked raising your voice enough so he could hear you as you walked away.

"An hour okay with you?!" He shouted out at you.

You looked up at him, giving him a thumbs up as the elevator closed. You walked into your bedroom putting your stuff down and getting undressed to take a shower.

You got out of the shower and did your normal routine. As you finished up you picked out your outfit and FaceTimed Kaitlyn, you decided you weren't mad at her anymore.

Outgoing FaceTime call:
My loud ass bestie 💗

"Hello" she answered the phone and sounded like she was running a marathon, her camera was facing the ceiling.

"Hey" you said wondering what she was doing.

"F-Fuck" She groaned.

"I KNOW THA FUCK YOU AI- UNT UNT. I'MA CALL YOU BACK LATER!!" You shouted as you hung up the phone.

                  FaceTime ended

"That girl is nastyyy" you laughed to yourself as you finished getting ready.

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