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Your alarm rang throughout the room forcing you awake. You rolled over to your side to turn it off; you slowly sat up and threw your legs over the side of the bed sliding on your house shoes and pushed yourself up from the bed to make it up. When you were done you walked into the bathroom and began on your daily routine.You had your second appointment today and offered Kaitlyn to come since keigo couldn't make it because of work.

(Your fit)

You put on your black Yeezy slides and grabbed your phone off of your nightstand and went downstairs

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You put on your black Yeezy slides and grabbed your phone off of your nightstand and went downstairs.

You stopped on the last step when you heard a noise coming from the kitchen, you wasn't tryna get killed so you tried to quietly open the door but the alarm went off. Your fight or flight kicked in and you were ready to fight as you turned around Kaitlyn popped up in front of you with a bowl of cereal; you jumped and almost punched her dead in her face.
You slowly sat down on the steps holding your chest trying to catch your breath. "What..the fuck..are you doing in my house, I thought somebody was in here tryna kill my pregnant ass" You said breathing heavily. "Girl bye" She said rolling her eyes and walking back to the kitchen. You slowly pulled yourself up and followed her; you sat down on a bar stool still trying to process how she managed to get into the house. "You still ain't answer my question" You said looking at her. "What" She looked at you. "How the fuck you get in my house" You asked. "Oh..through your garage" She said giving you small smile and finishing up her cereal. You side eyed her while calling keigo.


"Good morning, beautiful. How are you doing?" He answered.

"Good morning, Kaitlyn almost gave me a heart attack but I'm good" You said still looking at Kaitlyn as she washed out her bowl.

She looked up at you and flipped you off, you smiled and blew her a kiss.

' Why would you say that..you know that Nigga is overprotective ' She whispered.

"Are you ok? Is the baby ok? Do I need to come home? How the hell did she get in anyway?" He bombarded you with questions.

"No no everything is fine, and her dumbass came through the fucking garage" You said rolling your eyes.

"Ok, I'm gonna set a new code for it when I get home..be safe, I love you" He said.

"Ok, I will and you too.. I love you too" You said before hanging up.

"If I was dumb how the fuck I get in yo house?" She asked.

You looked at her and rolled your eyes "Let's go before I file a restraining order on yo ass" You said grabbing your keys and walking to your garage.

"Oooh you rich rich huh" She said.

"Girl what're you talking about" You said laughing.

"Don't act dumb now" She said rolling her eyes.

"Oh you talking about my car..oh yeah bae  got it for me" You said as you began backing out of the garage.

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