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Its Friday, April 22 4:45 pm. You had your first doctors appointment today and you were a bit nervous. You reassured keigo that you were completely fine with going by yourself since he had to work but he insisted on taking the day off.

You were patiently sitting in the lobby waiting for your name to be called, you looked through a magazine that laid in the seat next to you. As you mindlessly flipped through the pages of the magazine you saw an article about the #2 hero and a woman spotted kissing, There was even a photo of it.

You scoffed at the picture and rolled your eyes turning towards keigo to show him the picture "Did you know anything about this?" You asked handing him the magazine. He looked at you confused then took a look at the magazine, he read the article and then looked at the picture "Shit. I'm sorry baby I didn't know this was gonna happen I swear" He said closing the magazine and getting his phone out of his pocket to make a call. You stopped him and took his phone looking up at him "It's okay, you don't have to do that, besides I don't think it'll be that big of a deal" You said.

As you were about to give keigo his phone back the nurse called your name. You got up and followed her to the room, she told you to lay down and lift up your shirt. You did what you were told and looked over at the black screen of the monitor as she put a thin white sheet of parchment paper over your legs and a cold light blue gel at the center of your abdomen, you lightly jumped at the feeling of the gel and nervously laughed looking at the nurse, Before properly greeting you and introducing herself with a bright smile on her face.

"Good Afternoon, my name is keli miller. I'll be your nurse throughout the remainder of your pregnancy if you have any questions or concerns please let me know. So let's get started with your ultrasound!" She said as she sat down on a black stool and grabbed the transducer pressing it on your stomach and moving it around.

You looked up at the screen gasping lightly at the sight of the tiny fetus growing inside of you. Your eyes started welling up with tears and you tried your best not to let them fall but quickly failed. You started crying and Keli handed you a tissue, You wiped your face and began to apologize. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe that this is actually happening and that I'm gonna actually be a mom" you said taking a deep breath and softly laughing. Keigo held your hand and kissed it comforting you the best he could. Keli reassured you that you were fine and that it was perfectly fine to cry. You exhaled deeply and continued on the appointment. When you were done you were able to look at the sonogram and  take it home with you.

When you got home you decided that it'll be a good idea and just go ahead and surprise everyone, You FaceTimed Kaitlyn and she answered the phone.

"Hey" she said.

"Hey, what are you doing" You asked.

"Nothing much just watching tv, what are you doing" She said yawning.

"Nothing, just got home" You said.

"Oh. What's up, why you call" She asked.

"I can't just call you and see what you doing" You asked rolling your eyes.

"Shit I guess" She said rolling her eyes back at you.

"Anyways, I gotta surprise for you" You said getting ready to turn the camera around.

"What" She asked.

"Just look at the camera" you said as the camera turned around.

"Just look at the camera" you said as the camera turned around

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(Ignore the names,time and date)

She gasped and started hysterically screaming and crying. "AAHH MY BABY'S PREGNANT!!" She yelled through the phone.

You laughed and turned the camera back around. "Surprise!!" You said.

"OH MY GODDD,CONGRATULATIONS " She said squealing.

"Thank you" You said.

"I can't believe I'm Finna be a auntieee" She said.

"I knoww" You said sighing.

"Alright, I gotta go. I love you boo be safe I'll talk to you later" You said as you hung up.

You decided to text malakyah because you didn't feel like calling him.

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
Hey, wyd?

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Wsp nun js chillin

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Wyd? Y yhu textn me?

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
Nothing, I can't text you?

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Nah nigga, now what yo ass want?

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
Damn why you being mean☹️

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Cs nigga yhu botherin me

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
Nigga fuck you I just wanted to show you sum

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Tf you wanna show me
Hurry up

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
* 1 attachment *

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Tf is dat
A mf alien or sum shii

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
Damn I know you slow but Ian know you was that fucking slow
I'm pregnant

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
Y yhu liein?

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
Nigga I'm serious. I'm pregnant Fr

My big headed ass brotha👿🔫:
I'm coming ova der nd beating his ahh Fr

Ma lil ugly ahh sista💗😭:
You betta not
Delivered 6:41 pm

End of conversation

"He ain't coming over here" You whispered to yourself and sighed deeply as you got up from your couch and walked into your bedroom putting your phone on the charger and getting into the shower.

After your shower you got dressed and laid down next to keigo and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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