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[Sorry for any spelling errors]

It was early morning when you jolted awake from hearing the screams and cries from your newborn son. You sighed deeply as you sat up and took him out of his bassinet; you checked to see if he needed a diaper change but his diaper was empty. You tried feeding him but he wouldn't latch on to either nipple.

You checked his temperature and any signs of sickness but he was perfectly healthy. You groaned in frustration and got up from the bed and went into his nursery, grabbing his car seat, strapping him in and covering him with his blanket. You walked into the laundry room and sat him on top of the dryer; turning it on hoping it would soothe him but it just made him even fussier. You smacked your lips and turned the dryer off and walked downstairs, grabbing your keys and going out to the garage and buckling his car seat in your Mercedes-Benz GLE-Class. You shut his door, before getting in the driver seat and pulling off.

You were barely out of the driveway, when he finally settled down. You sighed in relief and pulled back into the garage but he soon became fussy again. You looked at him in his baby mirror and scoffed "Really Khi?" You asked him. He continued to fuss until you pulled off all the way and started driving around the neighborhood, not even two minutes on the road and he was already asleep. Once again, you let out a sigh of relief and continued driving. It was nearing 9am and you were a little hungry, so you headed to starbucks to get something to eat. You face timed Keigo to see if he wanted anything. "Good morning, beautiful. How are you feeling? Where did you and Khi go?" He asked in a low groggy tone. He faced away from the camera with his eyes shut and his left arm under his head.

You hummed "You tryna put another baby in me?" You asked casually. His eyes flew open and he side eyed you. "Pssh, girl you just had my son chill out with all that." He said brushing you off and going back to sleep. You snickered and shook your head "I'm being deadass..nah im just playing." You said as you pulled into the starbucks drive thru. "I just pulled up to starbucks, you want sumn?" You asked him. He sighed and hummed for a moment "Yeah, can you get me a Double-smoked bacon, cheddar & Egg Sandwhich?" He asked.

"Yeah, is that it?" You asked. "Oh and a uh Grande Caffe Misto" He said. "Alright." You said driving up to the speaker to order. You stayed on the phone with Keigo the whole time.

'Good morning! What can i get for you today?' The barista said in a cheery tone.

"Good morning, Can I get two of your Double-smoked bacon, cheddar & Egg Sandwhiches please?"  You asked in a sweet tone.

'Yes ma'am, and would that be all for you today?' She asked.

"Uhm, can i also get a Grande Caffe Misto and a...Grande Ice water and then that'll be all.?" You said.

'Yes ma'am. Alright, your total is going to be $15.95 at the window!' She said.

"Okay, thank you" You said.

You got your food and left. On your way back home you stopped at a gas station to get gas and check up on Malakhi. You put on gloves so you wouldn't touch the gas pump with your bare hands and end up transferring any unwanted germs to your newborn child even though you did wash your hands afterwards but you just wanted to take precautions. When you opened the back door you saw that he was fast asleep. You checked his diaper to see if he needed a change, in which he did. You sighed and closed the door, walking to the other side of the car and getting in. You took him out of his car seat and gently placed him on your lap, incidentally waking him up which caused him to get fussy. You placed him in your arms and cradled him until he was calm enough to go back down onto your lap.

Once you finished changing his diaper, you strapped him back into his car seat and headed back home. When you got there Keigo greeted you with a kiss and helped you take malakhi upstairs. You both got into bed and started rewatching Euphoria, while you both ate your food.

You ended up falling asleep during the fourth episode, leaving Keigo to watch the rest of season one without you.

You woke up around 4pm and took a shower while Keigo watched malakhi. When you got out you stuck to your normal routine then got dressed, just as you were about to walk out of the bathroom, malakhi let out a blood-curdling cry. You swung open the bathroom door and frantically rushed out with a worried look on your face.

"What's wrong?" You asked Keigo as you grabbed your baby from his arms. He looked at you with a worried look on his face. "I don't know, he just started crying." He said. You tried to rock him to sleep or at least calm him down but that didn't work. You offered him his pacifier but he just spit it out, You let out a deep sigh and walked to your side of the bed and sat down. You figured that he was hungry so you lifted up your shirt and allowed him to latch on to your left nipple, after a while he was done and fell back asleep but you had to wake him up so you could bathe him.

"Babe?" You called out from the bathroom.

Keigo stood in the doorway, watching you as you drained the bath water from the tub. "Yes? Beautiful." He asked. "Can you get him dressed for me, while I start on dinner?" You asked as you handed malakhi to him whom was wrapped in a towel.

"Mhmm." He hummed as he followed you out into the bedroom.

"What're you cooking?" He asked as he began to gently dry off and dress his child.

You sighed deeply and hummed before responding. "Uhh..how do you feel abouttt a uh Warm Salad..of Salmon, Baby Spinach, Orzo and Crispy Capers?" You said reading something off of your phone.

He snickered and shook his head. You looked up at him, giving him a contempt look "What?" You asked.

"N-nothing, I just- nothing." He said while laughing. You smacked your lips and let your arms fall to your sides. "What? You think I might fuck it up or something?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

"No..well..yes but No!" He said trying not to make it sound like your a bad cook. "Okay, look. I just don't think you should try to make anything new because..." He trailed off. "Because, you think I might fuck it up. But you do realize I've cooked before right?" You said looking at him with your hands on your hips.

"Yeah...but ehh" He grimaced.

You gasped dramatically, plopping down on the bed as your jaw dropped. "My cooking is not bad!" You said. He looked away and tilted his head to the side. You picked up one Malakhi's dirty diapers and threw it at his face. "Bruh, watch out!" He slightly raised his voice and started laughing. "No, but I'm just kidding. You're actually a great cook, I just don't think you should try and experiment with anything new." He said as he put malakhi in his bassinet and turned on the baby monitor.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Okay, fine. How about I just make Grilled salmon with sautéed spinach?" You asked.

"Sounds amazing." He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, looking you in your eyes and placing a kiss on your lips.

You smiled up at him and then patted his shoulder before heading downstairs as he followed behind you.

AN: This is just a filler chapter. And I just wanted to say thank you sm for 1.01K reads!!

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