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"It's the big day, Boo! You ready?" Kaitlyn asked you excitedly. You violently shook your head, "I need two blunts and a bottle of Hennessy." Kaitlyn laughed,

"You cannot be crossed at yo wedding." You pouted, "Man, why not?" She glared at you, "It's literally in the vows that marriage is to be entered soberly." You groaned dramatically, "Bruh, okay."

Kaitlyn placed your  hair piece in then gave you an air kiss on both cheeks, "You look fine as fuck, bae." She smiled softly, "You think Malakyah would cry if he was here?" Tears were forming in your eyes. Kaitlyn immediately grabbed the makeup fan, "Uh, no ma'am. You can cry all you want after you say 'I do'. We ain't got time to redo yo makeup." You took deep breaths as she lowered the fan beneath your eyes.

Kaitlyn grabbed a tissue, gently pressing it to your waterline to soak up the tears before they had the chance to fall. Once your emotions were under control, Kaitlyn took your hand and turned you to face the mirror, "His bitch ass would definitely bawl his eyes out."

You both laughed hysterically and the door opened. You looked back to see the wedding planner, "Excuse me, we're about to start. Are you ready?" You smiled brightly at Kaitlyn, "Yep. Let's go."

Kaitlyn walked out with the wedding planner as your father walked into the room. Soon enough, the wedding started.

Once all the bridesmaids and groomsmen were out, the doors closed.

Everyone stood as they opened again, revealing You and your father. Keigo immediately started crying after seeing you. You walked slowly down the aisle as everyone watched in awe. You were crying by the time you reached the alter. The guests were seated and you gave kaitlyn your bouquet. The priest gave the opening speech and prayer then began the ceremony.

He led your vows, to which you both wholeheartedly agreed. He asked for the rings and Da'monte pulled them out. He bent down to give them to Khi then pointed to the priest while whispering in the toddlers ear. Malakhi hesitantly went to give the rings to the man then immediately ran back to Da'monte and hid behind him. The crowd chuckled softly.

If he didn't know anything else, Khi knew better than to go to strangers.

Da'monte picked him up and Khi laid quietly on his God-father's shoulder while he swayed gently and rubbed his back. You and Keigo slid the rings onto each other's finger with bright smiles on your faces.

"You may now kiss your bride," the priest said. Keigo gently grabbed your hips as your arms wrapped softly around his neck. You pulled each other into a slow passionate kiss. It was the most tranquil anyone had ever seen you two.

Everyone cheered as you melted into each other. You finally pulled away and Keigo looked up at the ceiling. He covered the huge smile on his face with one hand, keeping the other on your hip, then looked at you and mouthing the words 'I'm fucking the shit out of you tonight'.

Kaitlyn gave you your bouquet back and you held Keigo's hand as you walked back down the aisle together.


AN: I just wanna say thank you for 1.45k reads and I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope everyone is staying safe and taking care of themselves. Have a good night, morning or afternoon, love you!!

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