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Centuries Ago

Druig's tattoo had always been a point of curiosity for him. It was an outline of a small moon and situated right on the inner portion of his wrist. When he first noticed it after waking up on the Domo he had thought everyone had one, but upon further inspection, he found he was the only one with such a blemish.

After their first battle with a Deviant, Druig pulled Ajak said and asked about the tattoo. The older woman beamed when she saw it.

"You have one," she said with such wonder.

"A blemish? Well, yeah—,"

Ajak shook her head. "No," she said, cutting off the confused Eternal. "A soulmate."

Druig frowned. "A soulmate."

"Your blemish is a tattoo and on this world, soulmates have complimentary tattoos. You have a companion."

Druig glanced at the other Eternals. "But I'm the only one with a tattoo."

Ajak nodded in understanding. "Soulmates are incredibly rare. You just got lucky."

Lucky? Druig didn't think he was lucky. Years, decades, centuries passed for him without any sign of this so-called soulmate. He wasn't even sure how to recognize him or her, let alone find them.

Ajak had explained that he would just know. The second he'd set eyes on his other half, everything would fall into place. They were meant to compliment one another, after all.

Ajak had been so optimistic and, at first, Druig shared in that excitement. But as times changed and his world stayed the same, any delight he felt toward the mark on his wrist and what it symbolized faded. He had other things to worry about. Other missions.

As Druig looked out on the village he had created, he tried to find peace in his accomplishments. He ignored the itch on his wrist and Ajax's voice telling him how lucky he was. His life was here. It was under his control. There was no commentary from fate, there were no prospects of a soulmate.

And everything, for the most part, was perfect that way.

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