12: disapprobation

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"I believe I told you to get some rest," Druig replied after a heavy minute, completely dodging your question. You still refused to look at him, opting to keep your back to the doorway, where he stood. Your eyes were trained on the little table in this unsettling room, your fingers gripped your boyfriend's wallet like your life depended on it.

He... He had to have been here. Here. In the village. In the same space as you. He had found you. He must've known — but you never saw him. Never had a single clue.

Your brain was racing. Your hands were shaking.

"Why won't you answer any of my questions?" You snapped back.

Druig cleared his throat. Was he close to crying as well, you wondered. "I was trying to protect you from this."

Protect? You could almost laugh. "He was here, wasn't he? He came looking for me."

"He was just passing through—,"

"You're lying," you cried. His words could say what they wanted, but the bond never led you wrong. You could feel the guilt, shame, worry, panic... "He had been searching for me, right?"

Druig's voice turned soft. "Yes."

You angrily tossed the wallet back on the table and slammed the drawers completely shut. "Where is he now?"

"I sent him back on his way after we had a chat." He sighed. "It wasn't until I found a makeshift campsite nearby that I realized he left behind some items. You've found the remnants."


"Would you have gone?" Druig asked. You heard the floorboards creek behind you, signaling his approach. "Be honest with me, dear. Please. Would you have truly left with him?"

You nearly couldn't believe he was asking you this. Like that was the most important topic at the moment. But you could just about understand his eagerness to propose the question. You hated that part of this the most, you think.

"I was never given the option so I don't know," you answered briefly. Dismissively, almost, but this situation is anything but something you could dismiss. It was a cop-out of an answer and you both knew it.

The floorboards creaked once again. And then you felt Druig's burning touch on your hips. He couldn't keep doing this. You couldn't keep ending up in such positions that tempted you to give in to everything.

"Maybe you do know," he muttered against your neck. "Maybe deep down."

"No." You shook your head and pushed yourself out of his arms, not wasting a second to get to the doorway of the bedroom, trying to put as much space between you two as possible. "Don't you dare do that. Don't... Don't try to think for me or tell me what I'm feeling, Druig." You had to stop to take a breath as your voice cracked. "I—I don't want to think about it right now."

You waited a moment for Druig to reply but nothing ever came. He just stared back at you, his eyes holding something unreadable.

He didn't say anything to your heartbroken spiel. He didn't say anything as you left the bedroom. He especially didn't say anything when you left the home and went to the only thing you had left that didn't resolve around your soulmate. The last thing you felt at the moment you could call yours: chores.


You didn't know why you were choosing to now obey Druig's orders, but you let your feet carry you to the kitchen hut. Still being the very early hours, no one else was reporting for duty. You could see some early-riser villagers off in the distance but you were the only one in your area.

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