8: undertaking

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You woke up the next morning sore and full of regret. In your fit of rage, you had decided to sleep on the couch, not wanting to even be in the same room as your soulmate. You hadn't even bothered to change out of your pajamas.

These actions had concerned Druig. You could feel the worry radiating off of him when he finally came back into the house. You made sure to position yourself so your back was facing the door in order to avoid any eye contact or acknowledgment from him. But that hadn't worked as well as you thought it would, not when you could sense him standing in the doorway watching you.

Thankfully, though, he didn't say anything, choosing, as you had, to let the situation rest for the night. It maybe wasn't the smartest given the fact everyone says not to go to bed angry but those people had never been in your shoes. Hell, you didn't think any pair of soulmates had ever been in your shoes. You were making up the rules as you went.

You weren't sure how much sleep you actually got. One second you were shutting your eyes, trying to block out your thoughts, and the next you were being awakened by the sound of someone cooking.

It didn't take long for your tired brain to piece it together. Druig was making breakfast for you. Again. You didn't know it was possible to feel worse about everything until the smell of fresh coffee hit your nose.

You had straight-out rejected his advancements — advancements you were enjoying — and stormed away like some kind of child yet here he was making you food. You covered your eyes in frustration and let out a low groan.

"You're awake," Druig commented as food sizzling in a pan filled your senses. He was very monotone with his statement. It made you uneasy.

"You're cooking," you replied, still facing the couch pillows.

Druig scoffed. "I'm running out of ways to apologize."

Your frowned, suddenly feeling mixed on everything. On one hand, you felt bad about your actions and wanted to apologize, but also... He had been the one to be so forward. Weren't you upset because of him?


Druig let out a vague hum in confirmation. "I scared you. You... You're so scared nearly all of the time."

Scared? He had called you scared last night but you hadn't thought much about it given the fact he had you occupied with other things. But now, in the hazy, post-anger glow of it all, you could understand where he was coming from. You were scared — but who wouldn't be in this situation? There was so much to be scared of, you didn't think the feeling would ever end. You couldn't believe he was... Surprised? Offended by this?

"That's a natural human response," you bit back.

"But I'm your soulmate," he replied, throwing right back the snappy tone you had delivered. "You shouldn't be scared of me. You should be happy or at least comfortable. You could feel safe, appreciated. Welcomed. I try and I wait and I get... I get to sleep alone, I get pushed away."

That was it for you. You weren't going to let him throw a pity party. Fueled by the anger that has replenished in your heart, you shoved yourself off the couch and stormed into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I'm hesitant to just jump in your arms but you have to look at this from my standpoint," you snapped. "I didn't expect my soulmate to be some recluse that lives in the middle of the Amazon and I sure as shit didn't expect to have to uproot my life to try to be with them."

Druig's hand hit the counter in frustration. "But you're not really trying, are you? There's something here and we both can feel it yet you — you don't want to face it." He wasted no time firing right back at you. "I understand you face giving up a lot but we won't get anywhere if you keep acting like this. Have I truly done anything to force you away? To make you scared?"

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