7: friction

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It had finally become incredibly clear to you that when Druig had an idea, he didn't let it go. In hindsight, this was fairly evident in, well, everything he had done to you, but you hadn't totally caught on until the whole date idea came into play.

Over the course of the next couple of days, you and Druig settled into an interesting routine. While you would join the women for crafting (you were making quite the progress on your blanket that was turning out to be a hodgepodge of colors) Druig would just be...away.

It was quite jarring, really. Druig rarely left you alone if you were out of the house so to be left to your own devices felt both relieving and like some sick test.

You'd watch him from your spot in the circle as he would be chatting with some villagers, his hands moving while explaining something. At first, you weren't totally sure what would be consuming his days. You didn't like the idea of something big happening, whatever that could mean.

But when a couple of young women came up to him with a collection of flowers, it finally sunk in what he had been doing this entire time. He inspected the flowers closely and you remembered the date.

When Druig had initially brought up the date, you didn't actually hold much weight to it. It was quite the suggestion and it seemed very appropriate given the awkwardness between you two, but also, at the same time, you just couldn't picture it. The idea of you two sitting down in a truly intimate setting seemed overwhelming. You were much more comfortable now sharing a bed than you were with the concept of a date. Could this be any more untraditional?

Uncertainty finally got the best of you one night. Due to Druig being preoccupied, you found yourself waiting around the house for him regularly now after your day was done. Tonight was no exception.

You sat on the edge of the couch, hands folded, just...waiting. Typically, you would try unwinding with a shower or snack before Druig would come to collect you for dinner, but this couldn't wait. You had been a bit foolish, maybe even weirdly eager, to suggest a date. And the effort you had witnessed him putting into it was no help. Maybe this panic was a bit odd given the previous comfort you had found the second you picked up those knitting needles, but your emotions were on a non-stop rollercoaster since arriving.

Finally, just as the sun sank behind the crowded trees and the nightly animals began to coo, Druig arrived at the house. For a split second, surprise flashed across his face as he noticed you before turning to a neutral, unreadable expression.

"Good," he said, "you're here."

You ignored his comment. "I need to talk to you—,"

But Druig just shook his head, his hands folded behind his back. "I need you to follow me outside."

He spoke so definitely, in a way you should have been used to by now, but there was a slight edge in his tone. Your eyes widened, confused.


"Please," he muttered barely above a whisper before clearing his throat. "Follow me."

You didn't know exactly how you knew, but you did. Time had run out. You felt it in the bond, an invisible signal that you didn't understand but had to accept. You stood cautiously from your position on the couch. Druig waited patiently as you took your time crossing the room.

When you finally stood in front of him, he wordlessly opened the door and exited, fully expecting you to follow. And you complied. There was no denying how persuasive the bond could be. It could take over your reasonings and expectations and you just had to go along for the ride.

Druig led you out of the house and around to the backyard, an area you had yet to explore. Call it crazy but exploring the backyard of a home in the middle of a forest wasn't exactly your idea of a good time. It was quite a secluded area. Perfect for an intimate date, some would say.

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