15: vagabond

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The trip up to the apartment had felt nonexistent, much like your arrival back to New York. But you knew for a fact this time you weren't under any spell. You were just in a bit of shock and your mind was going a million miles a second as your parents flooded you with kind words and questions.

The questions barely registered. All you heard was a swirl of: "Where have you been?" "Are you hurt?" "Why aren't you saying anything?" "Did someone take you? Your dear boyfriend Eric has been saying..."

What could you say? How could you begin to explain? In retrospect, the entire situation sounded completely unbelievable.

Everything mostly flowed from one ear out the next. It wasn't until you were standing in the apartment kitchen, fiddling with the hem of your dress, did a question actually provoked a response from you.

"And where did you get that dress?" Your mother asked. It had felt like a silly question at first but you realized you probably just missed her going through the rest of her spiel. Your father turned to you, greatly curious as well.

"It was... It was made," you explained, "for me." Your throat felt rough but you were glad to get out some kind of words. Baby steps, really. Soon you'd be spilling your guts. Although — you weren't sure how safe that would be.

"It was...made for you?" Your mother repeated. Her eyes wandered over your appearance for probably the millionth time before she slowly nodded. "Oh... Okay, alright, got it." When she seemingly came to terms with this information, she slowly crossed the kitchen and engulfed you in another hug. She held on tight, desperately. "I'm so relieved to see you again. I'm — We're — Everything is so happy you're safe and here with us. You're home. Finally."

You let yourself sink into your mother's hold. Your father also approached, indicated by a hand suddenly patting you on the back. You heard some sniffles coming from them both. Guilt washed over you at the realization of what you had done.

They didn't know. You had to tell them. But how? How could you possibly sit here and explain your soulmate wasn't some lawyer or doctor or whatever. He wasn't living in a penthouse in the city or a mansion on the coast. He came from a group of immortals and had created his own sanctuary which he, in turn, wanted to share with you.

It was truly funny to think that just not too long ago, you had craved this reunion. Now, it only made everything more complicated.

"We, um," your mother sighed as she broke the hug and put some distance between you two, "are you able to tell us what happened? We should probably get you to the police station when you're ready—,"

"The police?" You asked, dazed. They had gone to the police? You felt stupid now, of course, they would go to the police. You had...vanished, in a forest, no less. What else were they going to do?

Your mother nodded, looking concerned by your brief confusion. "We filed a report not long after you were supposed to be home. And then when you didn't even arrive home with Eric, we knew something was..." Your mother let out another sniffle, her eyes watering instantly. "The police were having a hard time getting anywhere with the case. You weren't exactly in the most reachable area of the world." She shook her head, regretfully. "I don't think they tried, not really... But, I will say, your boyfriend was so helpful."

Your eyes grew wide and your heart sank at the second, kind mention of your...boyfriend. You didn't even like saying the word in your head nor did you like the look in your mother's eyes at the mention of him.

"Wh—What about him?" You glanced over at your father, who had now left your side to lean against the counter across from you, and found he too seemed pleased about your boyfriend.

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