4: ennoblement

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You and Druig stopped at a large house on the edge of the village's border. You had to admit, from the outside, his home sure looked cozy. There was a little porch decorated with a couple of chairs and plants. The walls of the home had large windows, a glowing warm light welcomed approachers.

You stood at the base of the steps leading to the porch.

"This is yours?" You asked. Not that you needed confirmation, just that you need to break the silence. And delay entering. Staring at the home, it all suddenly felt so...real.

But Druig entertained your question. He nodded. "It was the first residence we built. She's old but sturdy. I've renovated and added on over the years."

"Did you... It is made for two?"

Druig shot you a little amused smirk. "Are you asking if I built it with my soulmate in mind?"

Your face got unbreakably warm. "It's... I mean — It's just large, so, I wondered—,"

"Not knowingly," Druig said, thankfully cutting off your rambling. "I think the bond made me add certain things subconsciously but... I never really thought I'd have to worry about all this," he admitted then paused. "I didn't think I'd ever meet you. I didn't even really think you existed if I'm being honest. It was just...a long time here."

You were pleased and saddened to hear Druig's feelings on the matter. You felt that you had waited a long time but then you had learned it was absolutely nothing compared to what he has been through. It was a lot of emotions for two people who were so new to one another, you realized. These bonds were insanely strong. No one had warned you of that on the forums.

You fought back tears as Druig's sorrow came over you.

"Shall we, my lady?" Druig asked as he offered you his arm.

You curled your hand around his bicep. "This is insane."

"You're right," Druig agreed as you two began climbing the stairs. "I should carry you through the threshold of the house. That's traditional in human culture, yes?"

You knew by Druig's smirk he was just teasing but you also had a sneaking suspicion he would've followed through with it if you asked.

Druig led you through the entrance which opened up into what appeared to be the living room. It was fitted with a couple of couches and a pristine recliner, all of which were facing a glorious stone fireplace. The windows here allowed for lovely light to carry in, making everything feel serene and cozy. You noted a lack of electronics but weren't really surprised.

After mental assessing the place, you realized Druig was staring at you...expectingly. Like he was...nervous?

"It's beautiful," you said with a small smile. Druig looked relieved but didn't say anything. He quickly led you to the next room: the kitchen.

The tour went on for what felt like hours. Druig insisted on showing you every nook and cranny the place had to offer.

"It's yours now, too," he said. "You should know it like the back of your hand."

The last room he showed you was the bedroom. You stood in the doorway like a deer in headlights as you noticed there were very clearly two sides to the queen-sized bed. The sheets were ruffled on the side closest to the window. The other, untouched.

Your side.

That was your side of the bed and he...hadn't slept there. Ever, it seemed.

You moved your attention to the bedside table and open wardrobe. The table was fitting with various jars of what appeared to be homemade perfumes and lotions. The wardrobe was clearly divided between menswear and womenswear.

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