11: gilded

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A couple of notes before we get into this:
1. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT - if you are underage or uncomfortable with this type of content, please skip to the first page break (denoted by ***)
2. This smut is UNEDITED - I don't really love to write smut nor do I like to read it back but I felt it was an important addition to this kind of story

It was hard for you to track exactly how you ended up here. How you ended up being pushed against a bedroom wall. How you ended up with Druig's lips attacking your neck. How you ended up letting out soft, delicate whimpers as your soulmate's eager body pressed against yours.

It was hard to figure out. No matter how much you tried to focus, the timeline shifted and died out. And so you gave up wondering, gave up all logic and reasoning, truly let it all go in the moment, and happily pressed yourself into Druig.

Your hands locked onto his biceps, which were expertly pinning you to the wall. He had one left in between yours, his knee brushing against your core every now and then as he continued the assault on your neck. His hands roamed freely and curiously over almost every inch of your body.

"Druig..." You sighed as he worked on one particular area of your neck, no doubt making sure he left a pretty mark.

"Does this feel nice?" He asked in a low, dangerous whisper against your skin as he grounded into you again. "Does this feel right?"

All alarms in your head were screaming. The universe, the bond, all felt enflamed. It was so...so good.

You weren't sure how you knew what to do but, instinctively, your grip went to entangle your fingers in his hair. Druig sighed against your neck as he continued kissing from your slightly exposed collarbone to your lips and back again.

"Druig, please," you muttered in shaky breaths. "M-More."

"More?" He said, his voice heavy on the teasing tone. "If that's what my soulmate wants..." His words faded gloriously as one of his rough, tough hands made its way to the skirt of your dress. You hadn't worn many dresses in your life upon finding yourself here but you were suddenly so glad it was like the only thing Druig had in your closet.

His teasing fingers danced along the inside of your thigh before tracing over the fabric of your panties. Like the dresses, they weren't the most exciting piece of garment, but you could tell that wasn't on Druig's mind as your eyes met one another. He held that intense, glowing eye contact while his hands dipped in your panties and found your sopping core. He let out a deep moan at the same time that you let out a whine.

"You do really want more, hmm?" Druig muttered against your lips. He was almost as close as could be as his fingers trailed over your sensitive area. "You can't fake that kind of want, right, dear? Try to deny everything, deny what we are meant to be all you please, but your body can't lie."

You didn't know what to say — didn't even know if you could make words should you suddenly get the idea — as Druig dipped two teasing fingers into your core.

"Not going to fight me on that, are you?" Druig asked after he stole a case while his fingers curled inside you, hitting that one particular spot with such ease.

You shook your head. No, you weren't going to fight it. He knew that. You knew that. The bond knew that. Fate knew that.

You leaned into his touch. Gosh, no one has ever had you flustered so quickly. Your... Your former partner certainly hadn't touched in such a way before.

Within moments, minutes, seconds, of receiving Druig's touch you felt like you were going to combust, and then he had to go and surprise you with your thumb finding your clit, the sensitive bundle of nerves.

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