2: inclination

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"H-Home?" You stuttered out in a shaky breath.

Druig walked towards a window. "In case you haven't noticed, this is my village. My home."

You shook your head. "No, no, I got that... It's just, I can't — I have a home."

Druig scoffed, speaking more to himself than you. "I finally find my soulmate and she wants to leave me, aye?"

Something in your heart twitched at seeing Druig upset. You'd read that once soulmates met there'd be a strong bond formed, so much so that you could feel one another. It made sense on paper — this was your other half, you were bound to understand him — but you hadn't expected it to hit so quickly. You barely knew this guy outside of his unnatural powers and reserved demeanor.

And yet, something inside you was telling you to just appease him. You tried shoving the instinct away and focusing on the matter at hand.

"That's... No, that's not..." You sighed. You were really great at this. "I'm just overwhelmed. Today has been...a lot." Your mind thought back to your camping group. Your boyfriend. You cringed.

Druig stepped away from the window and turned back to you. "You're right," he said. "You need to rest. We'll put you up in a vacant house for now and continue this conversation in the morning.

Your jaw went slack. Was he not understanding you? How clear did you have to be?

"I—I can't," you said. "I have to get back to my campsite. Please." Begging your soulmate left a weird taste in your mouth.

Druig let out a frustrated sigh. "What is it with you and this campsite? You told me you willingly walked away from your group. What's suddenly so important?"

Druig's gaze got intense, incredibly intense, forcing you to look away again. You didn't want to tell him and you didn't want to lie. He was very clearly a...passionate person, no doubt the soulmate bond only intensified his emotions. Hearing your soulmate has a significant other would set anyone offer, but when you considered the actions of Druig thus far... But also keeping it from him would be cruel. It'd especially be unfair to your boyfriend.

"I... I have a boyfriend," you admitted. "I came on the trip with him. He's back at the campsite, assuming he isn't out there looking for me."

You heard Druig cross the room and stop at your chair, but you refused to take your eyes off the floor. The air was thick again — in the worst way.

"A boyfriend," Druig repeated. "You have a boyfriend." He let out a humorless laugh. "Well, isn't that just lovely?" He spat the words like they were venom. You flinched.

"Excuse me for trying to date," you bit back as tears welled in your eyes. "I wasn't exactly having an easy time finding my soulmate given the fact he's a recluse in the Amazon.

Druig was silent for a moment before he softly asked, "Did you think it would work?"


"Dating," he clarified. "Did you think you could avoid this—" he motioned between you two "—by dating others?"

You shook your head, not in admission but defeat. "I really don't want to get into it."

"Fine," Druig said with a shrug. He walked to the infirmary's entrance. "Then I will show you to your quarters. Are you able to walk?"

You opened your mouth to fight him on this again but nothing came out. You couldn't do it, it wasn't worth it anymore. Silently, you nodded your head and rose from the chair. You followed Druig back out into the unknown village — or as he called it: home.

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