10: espouse

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You didn't know how long Druig left you in the forest but it sure felt like hours. Granted, it wasn't the worst place he could keep you. The blanket was very nice and the pillows were actually pretty comfortable to lounge on. You even had some wine leftover. The breakfast of champions.

But, at the same time, you didn't want to be stuck out here and Druig forcing you out here only fueled your annoyance. He claimed he wanted a partner, not a submissive soulmate, but at this point in time, you sure were feeling like the latter.

A few more moments passed and you were so close to defying his orders but then the sound of twigs snapping behind you caught your attention. Druig finally reappeared among the trees.

"Ready to head back?" He asked so casually, the tone catching you off-guard. You looked at him curiously.

"What... What happened?"

"Hmm?" Druig cocked his head. "Nothing, nothing. Everything's fine."

You absolutely were not believing that even for a second. "Nothing seemed...fine when you stormed away."

"Well," he sighed, "now it is fine."

"Are you...sure?"

"Do you not trust me?" Druig snapped.

Trying. You were trying, you had to remind yourself. You took a deep breath and finally stood to face him. "Okay," you said. "If you say it's all fine." You then proceeded to begin to clean up the make-shift picnic area Druig had laid out but he stopped you.

"I'll just send someone else to collect the items," he said before taking your hand. You didn't argue even though you did feel a bit bad someone was going to have to clean up after you. You silently let Druig lead you back to the village.

When you wove around the trees and the village came back into view, part of you had expected to find...something. You didn't know what exactly but with Druig's reaction still fresh in your mind, you thought you'd come back to some kind of chaos or panic among the villagers.

However, that just wasn't the case.

The village looked normal. People were mingling about as they did their chores, chatting with one another, and fulfilling their duties like it was any other day. Even as you two made your way through the main square, you were greeted sporadically with kind smiles and shy waves. Nothing out of the ordinary.

As always, Druig paid careful but limited attention to the villagers. He eventually came to a stop just near some of the farmers.

"You will be assisting in the kitchen today," he informed you.

You frowned. "Excuse me?" But Druig didn't look like this was up for debate. You didn't particularly care. You had never been shoved into the kitchen before. You weren't even certain Druig had considered it for you.

"I want you helping with meals for the day," he clarified despite fully aware that you heard him the first time.

You glanced over your shoulder at your crafting circle. Your project wasn't laid out yet the women were still gathering. The circle was moving without you today for some reason. "I don't understand," you muttered.

"Darling, please," Druig said with a sigh.

You could easily sense there was something he wasn't sharing but you also know there was no way you were going to get it out of him very easily.

"Oh-Okay." You also let out a sigh. "Kitchen duty could be...fun." It actually did not sound fun to you but what could you do?

"Thank you," Druig muttered before grabbing your hand again and leading you to where meals were prepped.

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