3: balancing

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Druig returned to your place hours later to let you know preparations were in progress for your stay in the village.

He also informed you he was requiring you to attend lunch with the other villagers. He said it so casually like it was a given like you wouldn't have a problem.

"What?" You said. "Lunch? Out there? With everyone?"

Druig nodded. He was leaning on the doorframe of the home's entrance. You were on the couch, where you had decided was the safest spot for you to hunker down.

"Can't I just eat here?" You pleaded. "There's a kitchen—,"

"Oh?" Druig's brow raised in surprise. "And did you go hunting for food to cook in that kitchen? How about harvesting crops, did you do that?" He mocked you.

You were on the verge of rage. "Why must I attend lunch?"

"Because we never have visitors and your presence is raising questions," Druig explained calmly. "We owe the people an explanation for who you are and why I have allowed you to stay." He paused. "We must also discuss your role here."

"My role?"

Druig chuckled. "No one gets to sit around idle in my village, my dear."

You shifted in your seat, uncertain. "Well, did you have a role in mind?"

Now that you thought about it, this whole thing could go very bad, very quickly. You hardly knew this guy still — your "role" could be being his personal...assistant. What the hell have you done—

"Can you teach?"

Oh, that wasn't where you thought any of this was going. It was so normal.

"Teach?" You said. "Like, you want me to be a teacher?"

Druig shrugged. "We have quite a few little ones. It'd give our current teacher a break."

You contemplated the idea. It didn't sound horrible really. You weren't a teacher by trade, but had some experience with tutoring. You also had a brief but lucrative babysitting stunt under your belt. You could...manage.

"What would I be teaching?" You asked.

"General education," Druig said. "Reading, writing, math, science... We have packets made up that outline everything."

Pockets? A whole school agenda? This place really was a whole society just dropped in the Amazon. A hidden treasure.

And you of course had to give some props to your soulmate. A man who has led, what you presume to be, generations in this secluded beauty. There was a tinge of pride in your heart and you hoped Druig felt it.

"Fine," you said. "For as long as I am here, I'll take on the role of teacher."

"You say this like you plan to leave," Druig said with a teasing smirk.

You rolled your eyes. "I said we'd test it out for now. Plans to stay forever are not on the table."

"Maybe not on your table."

You sighed. "You really want me here."

Druig pushed himself off the doorframe and crossed the living room to where you sat. He got close, frankly closer than he had ever, and placed a gentle hand on your cheek, forcing you to look up at him. Warmth came over you as your eyes met.

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