20: aphoristic

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"This is where you've been living?" Druig asked, a hint of suspiciousness in his voice, as you approached your apartment building.

"This is where I've lived most of my life," you replied. "Why? You don't like it?" You weren't sure why you asked, why you were looking for some kind of approval from him. He'd made it clear this wasn't permanent.

He glanced around at your surroundings, from the other buildings lining the streets to the people walking around you two. "It's safe, yes?"

You also took a second to survey the area—something you hadn't really done before. You just grew up around here, it was all you really knew. Questions or concerns of safety were few and far in-between. You just...lived. But you knew it was natural for Druig to consider such a thing if his secluded paradise and rough attitude was any telltale sign of his worries about everything.

"Besides the alien attacks and the world almost ending, yeah, I think the city is safe," you answered, trying to keep your tone light.

Druig sighed. "That's not what I meant."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "Are you just looking for a reason for us to leave? You promised at least one night here. You might love it."

"One night," he said, pointedly. "That was the...compromise."

"I'm well aware that what we did was called compromising," you laughed, "but that seems to be a big new word for you."

Druig frowned. "I compromised all the time when we lived in the village."

"I'd argue not as willingly." You smirked and bridged a bit of space between you two. His face was hard to read, which wasn't surprising, but you could sense his worries almost clear as day. The push and pull of soulmate bonds never failed to catch you by surprise.

"Well, as I said at the diner," Druig muttered, "I have a fresh perspective on time."

"Then we shouldn't waste it out here, should we?"

Druig let out a defeated sigh. "It's your parents I am meeting, yes?"

You nodded. "My ex was around not too long ago if you'd prefer to meet him."

Druig visibly flinched at your words and although you were just teasing him, you regretted it instantly. The joke seriously did not land and it was evident by the sudden moodiness.

"Druig, I'm—,"

"He was here? In your apartment?"

"Yes," you replied, "he was in my kitchen. We talked for a bit. He was just a loose end to tie up, do you understand?"

"He was only in your kitchen?"

"Of course," you answered him immediately, trying to keep your cool.

"Did your parents like him?"

Your frustration was boiling as you considered the interrogation Druig was putting you through. If you hadn't detected his hurt you might've thought he was just stalling. Either way, you didn't want to stand out on the street all night discussing the past you had tossed away.

You avoided his question as you unlocked the door to the apartment lobby and marched your way inside, heading straight for the elevators.

"Hang on—,"

"Yes," you snapped. "Yes, my parents liked my ex-boyfriend. They practically adored him. I don't know what to tell you, I don't know what you want to hear, but they liked him very much, okay?"

You fought to catch your breath as you stared back at your soulmate. The bubble in you had accidentally popped but at least you got it out here and not in front of your parents. They had little say in the matter but you'd be lying if you said you didn't want their approval. There was no doubt in your mind they mourned what you had lost and were gravely skeptical of your future standing beside you but this was reality now. This was all that had been building up ever since you found your way into that Amazonian village.

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