5: apprehension

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"You're sure this is going to be okay?" You asked as you stood in front of the bathroom mirror readjusting the cotton dress Druig had picked out for you. It was comfy but a bit dull, not unlike your other clothes had been. You pulled at the faintly cinched waist. It almost concerned you how nicely the dress fit.

"Everything is going to be fine," Druig insisted from his spot on the other side of the closed bathroom door. "Now, come out so I can see you." He's been trying to get you out of the bathroom for a while now, but nerves about, well, everything was getting to you.

Today was your first day as a "teacher." Technically, it was just an introduction day as Druig felt it was important to introduce you to the young ones who may not fully understand your arrival.

It all sounded simple enough — at least it did to Druig.

"I don't really speak their language well," you said. It was your go-to excuse now. "It'll be a disaster."

"It doesn't matter," he sighed. "They need to learn English as well. We believe it will be good for them to expand their vocabulary. Besides, I'm going to be there the whole time to translate and watch over everything. So, please, come out now."

You sighed and turned back to your reflection. You figured you looked...okay. There were some bags under your eyes thanks to the fact you couldn't sleep in the...bed, but the shampoo and soap here did wonder for you.

With a shaky deep breath, you crossed the bathroom and opened the door. You were, unsurprisingly, greeted by Druig, who was standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed in annoyance. Thanks to his sleeveless attire, you saw that for a leader he wasn't skipping arm day. You wondered absentmindedly if the village had a gym.

"Here I am," you said unenthusiastically and gave your soulmate a little show of the dress with a half-assed twirl.

Thankfully, when you met Druig's eyes again, he looked pleased. There was another emotion creeping up in the bond but you did your best to suppress it. His passion appeared to have no end.

"My beautiful, beautiful soulmate." Druig was in awe, his words coming out as almost a delicate whisper.

"Oh, I don't..." You had to look away — you felt like you were constantly doing that with him like you didn't have the strength to accept his affection yet. You wanted to, way deep down you really did, but there were roadblocks. In some stupid, technical way, you still had a boyfriend. You certainly didn't forget about him, no matter what Druig showed you or said. You fiddled nervously with the hem of the dress.

Suddenly, a coldness washed over your skin and soul. You mentally cursed.

"Are you thinking about him after I just called you beautiful?"

You turned towards your bedside table and began fiddling with a jar of lotion. You didn't know if you wanted to use it or just get lost in the label. A sad attempt to ignore the situation at hand. You couldn't help where your thoughts were at sometimes, especially when another man is lusting over you. Granted, he was your designated other half but the logistics of it all...

"Unbelievable," Druig bit out. "What has to happen for you to just drop it?"

You placed the jar down and went for the perfume.

"I'm sorry," you said softly. "But I don't want to discuss it right now."

There was an eerie silence that fell over the room. You watched the rose-colored liquid swirling around in the bottle. You hadn't used the fragrance yet, not finding an occasion suited for it. The perfume, such a ridiculous topic to be invested in as you waited for Druig to do...or say something.

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