1: happenstance

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Present Times

You were drenched in the Amazon humidity but there was no chance to stop. Not yet. You had to keep moving, something inside you said, keep heading towards what you hoped was humanity, despite the sweat on your forehead and heaviness in your lungs. This was your own doing — so be it. Own up to it.

You let out a curse as you nearly tripped over a protruding log. This wasn't how this trip was supposed to go and you were going to a lot more cursing once you reunited with your group.

Just over a week ago, your boyfriend had come to you with a flyer from his church. A group of young adults within the congregation was taking a camping trip to, well, the middle of a rainforest. The flyer said it was the perfect chance to "get off the grip" and reconnect with "what was really important." The trip was booked through a local tour company. There was a steep ticket price to pay but your boyfriend told you not to worry: He'd pay for your trip.

He said he felt you two couldn't pass this up. It would give you the chance to spend time together and find that spark again.

"We've just been on a...rocky road lately," he'd said. "I think some time like this together could really help."

You'd read the flyer over and over again, thinking. He hadn't been totally wrong that your relationship wasn't in the best place — but it wasn't anyone's fault, really. It was the goddamn tattoo on your wrist.

The little outlined sun had been there pretty much your entire life and, so far, had only caused you nothing but trouble time and time again.

When you were little, your family used to discuss non-stop who your soulmate could be. They each have their own theories. Your mom thought he'd be a doctor. Your dad wanted you to end up with a lawyer. It went on and on with your aunts and uncles also chiming in with their own thoughts. You tried not to get annoyed with it all — they were just excited. You were the only person in your family with a soulmate.

As you got older, you got more curious and tried actually looking for your soulmate. You'd scour the internet for hours browsing soulmate forums in hopes someone had posted about a tattoo like yours. It was nearly impossible though. Tattoos complimented one another, meaning it was incredibly difficult to know what your other half would actually have until you met them.

Eventually, after high school, you put the search on the back burner and began dating as any other person would.

But dating proved to be the hardest thing imaginable. Unsurprisingly, very few people wanted to be with someone who was promised to someone else. One glance at that wrist tattoo and the date was over before it ever really began.

After a number of unsuccessful years in the dating department, you met your current boyfriend Eric and things actually started looking up for you.

Eric was of the religious kind and told you he subscribed to the word of God, not the practices of fate. He had felt an unbelievably deep connection when you two met and wouldn't allow a tattoo to stop him. He believed God had brought you two together.

You tried so hard to match his optimism, to share his wonderful belief, but then the tattoo would start itching and your mind would begin to wander.

You knew Eric wasn't oblivious to your doubt but you two never actually discussed it. Instead, he'd pamper you, shower you with love. It was such a confusing place to be in. Eric was great. He was sweet, kind, supportive... But there was also that fucking tattoo staring you and him down.

Long story short, everything with Eric was blowing up and now you were on this damn camping trip — no, correction, you were lost on this damn camping trip.

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