14: rupture

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You felt like a fog had been lifted as you slowly forced your eyes open and slowly took in the wide stretch of water that set before you. The first thing you noticed was how peaceful everything was. The sun was just starting to sink below the horizon.

The sun... It was so clear. You frowned. Why was it — Where were the trees? You turned your head and were somehow surprised to find that you could move freely. Why wouldn't you think you could? And again, where were the trees? A forest was off some feet away but you couldn't tell if it was your forest —

Oh. The village. The monster. The people. You went to take a step one way when a man cut in front of you. Well, it wasn't just any man.

"Druig," you said, finding your voice a bit groggy, "Wh-What..." You tried forming a sentence but you didn't know where to start.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as his hands rested on your arms, holding you in front of him.

"I..." How did you feel? A little dazed, you supposed. Almost like you had taken a decade-long nap. "Weird. I feel weird."

But why was that? Everything had been fine until that godforsaken monster had attacked and then...

You took in a sharp breath. The only thing you remembered after that was Druig's voice telling you to stay put.

But he hadn't just asked you to do that, he had commanded it. He had willed it.

You sensed a strong wave of guilt hit your soul as you slowly pieced together what happened. Druig knew you knew.

"Did you"—you hiccuped; your voice caught in your throat—"control me?"

What was even the point of asking, you wondered. It was written on his face. You could still hear the faint whispers of Druig in your brain. It had been done. Slowly, he let his arms fall to his side, effectively removing a touch you had admittedly found comfort in.

Druig's voice was incredibly soft as he spoke. "I had to. I didn't know what that thing was capable of and I couldn't risk finding out, dear. I couldn't risk you. I told you before I'll do anything to keep you safe, that I wouldn't cross such a line unless I had to, and...and I had no other choice. You and that amazing, stubborn heart weren't going to stop." He shook his head as his eyes began to water. "You can be mad at me all you want. Yell, scream, cry, hit me, I don't care. Please just know that I only did it to protect you."

You heard his words, you understood the weight of the situation, and yet you didn't think you had it in you to be angry. Yeah, your reaction had surprised you as well, but that was becoming the truth of it all.

You felt how heavy and genuine his words were. The regret and shame poured out of the bond like a chaotic waterfall. On top of it all, you could remember how scared you were when you saw that monster attacking the village. The thing was beyond dangerous and, well, Druig was right. Despite the fact you should've had obvious reservations, you weren't going to listen to stop from trying to help or something.

But also... Damn. He really did have that much power over you. Again, it was something you were always very aware of but to actually be on the receiving end... He had been honest with you before about his usage of such powers on you and, granted, he kept his word, but it was undoubtedly unsettling, to say the least. Still, concern didn't equal anger.

"I... I'm not exactly happy about what happened," you admitted, sadly. It was clear Druig, of course, didn't like your words but he didn't seem surprised by them. "But I can see why you'd choose to do what you did. You're right, I don't think anything was going to stop me. The situation was...chaotic. You did what you had to in the moment." You paused. "At least, I am trying to believe you did it as a last resort."

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