13: cataclysm

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Before anyone could say anything, before the strangers could even blink, you grabbed Druig's hand and pulled him back into the community center.

"What is going on?" You asked. "Who are these people?" They weren't just strangers. That was overtly obvious based on Druig's relaxed demeanor and "warming" welcome.

Druig chuckled. "You're smarter than that, dear."

You frowned in confusion. "What?"

"I've told you who I am," he said simply. "And where I come from."

"The... The other... Eternals." Your heart jumped as you glanced over your shoulder towards the exit. On the other side, you had left his...companions (Was that right word? You had no idea.) standing out there, no doubt either confused or intrigued. "Those were the people you talked about?"

Druig nodded.

You sighed. "Why are they here? Did you...call for them or something?" Man, you really didn't know how this entire thing worked. For a brief moment, you had almost forgotten Druig truly wasn't human, that he was some cosmic force of a being. You didn't know how that could slip your mind. You were certainly not oblivious to his little powers.

Druig crossed his arms and gave a half-hearted shrug. The teasing look in his eyes slowly dissipated. "I don't know why they're here," he admitted. "I haven't seen them in centuries."

Your jaw went slack. "Centuries?"

"We've had our differences," he said, shortly. You stared, waiting for further explanation, but it was quickly clear to you that Druig wasn't going any deeper into this mysterious relationship he held with the group of strangers still standing out in the village square.

"Druig, this is..." Insane? Ridiculous? Mind-blowing? Annoying? Gosh, it seemed like one thing after another now. You had barely had time to process the fact Druig manipulated your boyfriend, completely interfering with your ability to leave, and now his... Family? Friends? Companions? Whoever they were to him, now they were showing up. And you really couldn't believe this was your life anymore.

The soulmate forums were going to have a field day with this story.

A knock came from the community center entrance. You two whipped your heads towards the door as a woman with black hair and the kindest eyes popped in. You recognized her as one of the strangers — well, Eternals, technically. You weren't sure you would get used to that name.

"I'm sorry," the woman began, "but, um, I just wanted to make sure all was okay."

You were in awe at how her voice was as kind as her eyes. But despite how comfortable she immediately made you feel, you couldn't find the words to answer her. Who was she anyways? What were any of these...outsiders doing here?

Outsiders — you mentally cringed at your use of the weirdly hostile word. You didn't know where that had come from either.

Druig eventually spoke up. "We're just fine," he said. "We'll be out in a moment."

Despite his words clearly being the woman's invitation to leave, she didn't budge from her spot at the door and instead turned her attention directly to you. She watched you carefully but you weren't really sure why.

The silent seconds ticked on before Druig started speaking once again, but this time his attention was turned to you. "Darling," he began as he stepped to join you at your side, "this is Sersi, one of my fellow Eternals."

Sersi. You repeated the name in your mind. What a sweet name for a...person? Immortal being? Coming face-to-face with the other Eternals really put a lot into perspective. You had, for the most part, come to think of Druig as an equal — minus the obvious — but there was actually a dramatic divide.

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