Chapter 3 = Riders of Rohan

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"A red sun rises." Legolas uttered looking at the sun that rises with red light beams, relief leaving his body. Aragorn looked back feeling utterly sad but soon told to himself that they are fine. Even Legolas is the only Elf here, they relied on Aragorn since he was the strider and the shadowing king of Gondor.

"Blood has been spilled this night." Legolas said but soon started to run again. They ran to find some tracks.

Soon, the morning passed emitting great sunlight. Legolas's keen ears took a sound of horses. He looked at Aragorn and Aragorn understood as he too heard a slight sound of horses galloping. He signaled the others to hide behind a rock.

The owners of the galloping of the horses, riders of Rohan as Aragorn recognized them soon neared them. Aragorn waited until the riders of Rohan passed them.

He stood up and ran slightly noticing the warning eyes of Legolas that was not enough to stop Aragorn from asking information to find his sister and friends.

"Riders of Rohan!" He cried. "What news from the mark?"

The leader of the crew raised his spear indicating his crew to turn back as they all passed the half of the fellowship. The riders of Rohan surrounded Aragorn and the gang.

"What business does an Elf, a Man and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark?" The leader asked still not showing his head or mounting off of his horse. "Speak quickly!" He raised his voice to which Legolas merely raised his eyebrows.

"Give me your name, horse master and I shall give you mine." Gimli said in his usual growling voice. Aragorn again got uncomfortable at the pride ness of Gimli's voice and looked at the leader to see his next move.

The leader gave his spear to a man near him and mounted off of his horse, the annoyance showing on his face. He came near Gimli. Aragorn put a hand on Gimli's shoulder telling him to not do anything stupid as the leader came even closer.

"I would cut off your head dwarf if it stood but a little higher from the ground." He threatened.

Legolas pulled one of his arrows and took aim to the leader's head.

"You would die before your stroke fell." He said. He refused to let any of his friends suffer at the hands of stupid people. Soon, all the spears were pointed at him, threatening to kill him any moment. But Aragorn touched the bow indicating to take it down. Legolas pulled it back but still kept the arrow attached to the bow ready to shoot if needed. The others lowered their spears.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn." Aragorn started to introduce them to the leader hoping it will minimize the anger and knock some sense into him. "This is Gimli, son of Gloin, and Legolas of the Woodland Realm."

"We are friends of Rohan and of Theoden, your king." He added.

"Theoden no longer recognizes friends from foe. Not even his own kin." He said and took off his helmet. It was none other than Eomer who was the nephew of the king Theoden. He seemed to understand more than before yet he was also suspicious because he had information about spies of the cunning white wizard.

"Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands." Aragorn and Legolas shared a look. This was not getting easy. The quest is only getting harder by the passing minute.

"My company are those loyal to Rohan and for that we are banished." He said looking at the people around him.

"The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there they say..." he started to say in a mysterious voice "as an old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere, his spies slip past our nets." He said looking at Legolas with narrowed eyes. Aragorn cut in before Legolas make it even more worse.

"We are no spies. We track a party of Uruk-hai westward across the plain." He said taking Eomer's attention. "They have taken three of our friends captive."

Eomer looked down like thinking hard. He probably was.

"The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night." He said looking sorry. Still, Gimli didn't give up on his thoughts.

"But there were two Hobbits and a she-elf. Did you see two Hobbits and a she-elf with them?" He asked and Aragorn couldn't help but add feeling miserable.

"Hobbits would be small. Only children to your eyes. As for the she-elf, she would've looked like a grown woman."

After thinking for few moments, Eomer answered with a lowered head.

"We left none alive." He met Aragorn's eyes in the middle as he too understood what it's like to loose people, friends to those nasty and disgusting Uruks.

"We piled the carcasses and burned them." He said pointing to the place where his people and him fought those Uruks. A rising smoke can be seen from there crushing the hopes Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli held.

"Dead?" Gimli mouthed their thoughts. Eomer merely nodded apologizing before whistling. Two horses came, one white and the other brown.

"May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters." He said looking at Aragorn and Legolas. He then mounted his horse and left with his crew but not before adding,

"Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands."


After what felt like days but could not have been more than a few hours, they finally arrived at the place where they tried to find. The place was full of the scattered and burned bodies of Uruks – not that worried any of the gang –. What worried them was their failing search of any sings of their friends who has taken a part of their heart.

Gimli who did not wanted to wait until the other pair searched, started to throw and find any sign of the burned items. Anything. And Gimli found something. The wee belt of a hobbit.

"It's one of their wee belts."



I know, I know. Short. But I've been busy lately with ONLINE lessons and some homework.

I will surely update the other one muchhh longer since it has the reunion with both Livia and Gandalf. *sigh*, I hope.

So, let me know what you think because your comments literally makes my day. 

Read and Review. 

I only own .......... yeah, I don't own anything except Legolas's and Aragorn's thoughts about Livia in this chapter.

Can you pleaseee tell me some nicknames for legolas besides Leggy. 

So, yeah, people!!!

Hope your day is better than yesterday!! 


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