Chapter 01 - Captured (Waking up)

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Her eyes took a moment to adjust them to the high sunlight that pierced her eyes. She felt that she was carried by someone not so gently. Her hands and legs felt numb, paining with every move. Her nose took a disgusting smell of orcs in. Wherever she was, Livia was sure that it was not good.

Livia opened her eyes. She was carried by the strongest Uruk-hai in the pack as she will be a bigger threat than the hobbits. Pippin and Merry was unconscious. Merry had a cut on his face. That's when she saw some of her hair. Her familiar and glistening white hair has been turned to a light shade of grey. Livia felt afraid seeing this.

Then, Pippin woke up groaning as he adjusted to see the sunlight. The first thing he noticed is Livia's worrying face looking up to him. He felt relief seeing the she-elf he trusted. It soon turned back into fear as he saw his best friend leaning heavily on the orc that's carrying him, with a huge cut on his head. He held back tears as he called his cousin's name.

"Merry" he called hoping that Merry would wake up but the luck was not on his side. Merry did not move a little. Livia understood that soon Pippin will make the orcs focused on them.

"Pippin, no." Livia whisper-yelled to Pippin but he did not hear or did not even care the slightest.

"Merry!" He called and the orc leader tried to turn confirming Livia's fears but soon a sound came from the nearby bushes that broke the Orc's mind. Livia felt relief washing over her body only to turn it back into fear as she saw the arrival of more orcs. The looking-leader of the new pack came to the front.

"You're late. Our master grows impatient." It said as the Uruk-hai exchanged looks. "He wants the shire-rats and the she-elf now!" Livia did not want to see the face of the leader of the Uruk-hai pack to say it was furious.

"I don't take orders from orc-maggots." The nasty Uruk-hai said in a deadly calm voice lacing with unsaid threats.

"Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them." he again said before starting to move again. It took a moment to realize what he said as Livia's ears still buzzed. If she has to guess why Saruman needs the hobbits, she would say because Saruman thinks they have the one ring. But her. Why would Saruman need her? She does not have anything to give to her former teacher. Just thinking about him made her blood boil. Suddenly, she felt afraid. she had never felt this much anger before. She was cut out of her thought as Pippin again called Merry's name.

Livia looked at the disgusting liquid that one of the orcs drink as Pippin called to him.

"My friend is sick." Pippin said.

"No, Pippin." Livia whispered. Pippin did not hear the warning whisper of his desperate friend.

"He needs water, please." Pippin begged thinking that they could have a little mercy in those bodies. But Livia knew better.

"Sick, is he? Give him some medicine, boys!" they all laughed as the orc who drank the liquid came forward and pushed the flask into Merry's mouth. A red liquid flowed through it filling into Merry's mouth. He soon choked on it.

"Stop it." Pippin called furiously. But the merciless Uruk-hai(A/N=I'm getting tired of this word.) did not seem to hear.

"Can't take his draught." The same one announced as they bounced over laughing. Pippin looked near to cry seeing Merry was still coughing.

"Leave them ALONE, you nasty, disgusting Uruk-hai!" Livia screamed as her blood boiled. Every Uruk-hai stopped laughing and looked at her with deadly glares. Yet, Livia kept her straight face. She will not be afraid of some Uruk-hai. Specially, when she had two friends that relied on her. The leader of the pack came near to her. Suddenly, the Uruk-hai that was carrying her dropped her to the ground. She felt an unimaginable pain shot from her body. Under normal circumstances, this would not hurt much but with the darkness flowing through Livia's veins the pain becomes worse. She heard Merry and Pippin screaming her name.

The leader kneeled and dragged Livia's face forcing her to look at him.

"Listen, She-elf. Behave like we say. Or we will forget our promise to bring you unspoiled to Saruman. Isn't it true, boys?" He asked tilting his head towards his pack. Every Uruk-hai snickered and nodded in agreement. He roughly took his hands off from Livia's face and the one that carried her before again took her by the waist and pulled her into his shoulder.

Livia smiled at the hobbits who were looking at her worried. Then, Livia heard Pippin asking Merry that if he's okay to which Merry answered as it was only one of his acts. Livia knew it was a lie but Pippin seemed to believe it. She was once again surprised by the amount of affection the little hobbits held for each other.

Soon, one Uruk-hai smelled his nose. Soon, another one neared.

"What do you smell?" he asked.

"Man-flesh." Hearing this, both Pippin and Merry looked at Livia, hope filling both of their faces. Livia's hope grew to, she smiled at the young, caring hobbits. Aragorn is coming. Probably, Legolas and Gimli too. It looks like Legolas is holding to his promise. Livia wandered smiling.

One way or another this s going to be an exhausting path.


What's up? Hope you all are doing great. As I say every time, these amazing book does NOT belong to me. neither does the moviie.

So, hope you enjoy.

Just, pleasee, review and read. I need a revieew!

Hope anyone who  read this will leave a comment and that you will have a great day/night!

See you later, people.


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