Chapter 09 = Frodo and Sam are not the only the who needs her help.

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Livia slightly stirred in her sleep, her mind wondering off. There she saw something that made her relieved.

Frodo and Sam. They were facing the huge black gates of Mordor. As she saw where they were, her relief disappeared filling with worry and regret.

Suddenly, the rock Sam was leaning into moved. The heaviness of Sam made the rock fall from the cliff to which Frodo's breath got hitched. At the same time, the gates of Mordor opened with a loud thud. Frodo's eyes grew wide seeing the gates of Mordor that were now half opened. He quickly made way to his gardener without making much noise. The lightness of Frodo made it much easier to get down.

They both hid behind a rock as an army made their way across the yellow ground in front of Frodo. But two men came forward seeing the dust on the way Sam and Frodo got down. Both of their breaths got hitched as one man came closer.

At that moment, Livia saw her necklace that was now worn by Frodo glistening at the gleam sunlight that looked as sick. She understood the hidden meaning between the words her grandmother said years ago when she gave her that necklace. Keep it in your hands. It will help you in the darkness for your kind heart will lead the way.

"Use the cloaks Frodo. It will help you to shield from unfriendly eyes." She uttered hoping Frodo heard as the man neared them. His face showed confusion that soon changed to alarm as he quickly pulled his cloak over both of them. Now, they looked as it was another bare rock that suited the rocks that were near them.

The man neared and looked around but saw no sign of anyone. So, he quickly turned and marched to his army. Frodo, Sam and Livia sighed a sigh of relief. But soon, Livia felt like spinning as she felt someone shaking her shoulder slightly. She opened her eyes and closed them immedietly as the sunlight pierced through her eyes.


She hesitantly opened her eyes to see Legolas shaking her slightly.

"We are going to Rohan, Lia. Get on your feet." He said smiling as he extended his arm for her. She took it gladly and got up, still, not putting much weight to her left hand as it still hurt a little.

Soon, they were on their horses. Gimli and Legolas on one horse, as the others were on their own.

They rode for hours without stopping as they needed to reach Rohan before the slimy chances of them slip.

Finally, they neared their destination. The land of Rohan was glistening on the moonlight as white icy mountains covered it around. There were houses but no sign of any crowds as far as they can tell.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong." Gandalf uttered looking at their faces. Shadowfax started to gallop under Gandalf's command as the others followed it. Gandalf looked at Livia and indicated her to get near him. Thilen quickly galloped near Mithrandir at Livia's command.

"Livia, my child, I will need your help taking king of Rohan's mind out of the darkness that it linger in now. Your healing skills will be able to help me in healing him." He told Livia. Silently, he was afraid yet again as he knew she was not strong yet. But it was the only choice. He knew that Livia would never decline a request to help someone even if it takes so much from her. Without her, the king of Rohan will linger in an old form of his own body till he sees the eternal darkness. He needed her help and unfortunately, there was no one else who could take her place.

"Of course, Mithrandir." He smiled at her reply. The healing skills and the power of thee nenya was given to the right person. Gandalf wondered to himself as he saw Livia laughing at Legolas and Gimli who looked to be arguing while Aragorn tried to calm them down even though his face held a mixture of humor and amusement. Gandalf shook his head and smiled looking at his fellow partners. They are the most suitable ones for saving the world from its darkness as he remembered about Frodo and Sam, Merry and Pippin.

There will all be a very important part in this quest and they will realize it sooner and it reached them sooner than needed.


I'm sorry first because i haven't undated. my routine got almost confused and it took a while to get it back to normal and i know it's short.

it's not because i have a problem, it's cause i'm too lazy to type so much. but i will update the nest chapter withing this week. So, hpe you enjoy this.

leave a Commeentt!! plleaseee! and than you for your 200 reads. it makes me happy. thank you for sticking up with this story.

so, read and review, follow anddd....... it's all, right?

please leave a comment. say hi at least. it's only two letters. please don't be a silent reader.


hope your day will be better that yesterday, dimonds. Love u!!


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