Chapter 5 = Departing from Fangorn

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"We must travel to Edoras with all speed." Gandalf said as his made his way through the forest. They strolled the forest more slowly than before as Livia still could not walk as fast as she did before. She needed Legolas's help sometimes..

"Edoras?" Gimli asked in an annoyed voice. "That is no short distance." He looked like thinking as he said that.

"We hear of trouble in Rohan. It goes ill with the king." Aragorn said to Gandalf and Livia's eyebrows shot up hearing this.

"Yes, and it will not be easily cured." Gandalf answered his eyes lingering Livia's for a moment. A very little moment, Livia thought she had imagined it. She looked at Legolas. Feeling Livia's eyes on him, Legolas too looked at her.

"What happened to the king? What is wrong?" she asked in his mind and Livia felt her magic calming her instead of leaving her tired.

"His mind had been poisoned by Saruman. And Rohan is now under the vision of Saruman." Legolas answered his voice was slightly lacing with worry and Livia understood that he was worried for her use of magic in her weak state.

"It's okay, Legolas. It's easier than talking anyway." She said smiling a little and cutting the connection as she felt Legolas's lips tugged upwards a bit.

"... in this horrid, dark, dank, tree infested-" Livia did not hear his other saying but what she heard was enough to realize that it was an insult for the forest as Gimli was cut by the growling sound of trees to which Gimli looked around with his ax looking very scared. (dang, that sentence was long.)

"I mean, charming..." Gimli said with a fake smiling face. "quite charming forest."

Livia's laugh filled the air as the growling sound of trees minimized. Hearing her laugh brought a smile to everyone's face. They had not heard her laugh in many days and they did not realize how bad they missed it until now.

"It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn." Gandalf said turning to Gimli making the surrounding a little uncomfortable. "A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains." He finished with a fond smile in his face.

"In one thing, you haven't changed my friend. You still speak in riddles." Aragorn said which earned a chuckle from Gandalf.

"A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the Elder Days." He said giving marvelous looks upon the old forest and Livia understood what is happening.

"The Ents are going to wake up." She talked for the first time after meeting Gandalf with an awed voice. Gandalf smiled at her.

"Of course, my dear and find that they are strong." He answered Livia even though it was not a question.

"Strong?" Gimli asked looking at the forest. "Oh, that's good"

"So stop your fretting, Master Dwarf." Gandalf said humorally pointing his index finger to Gimli's side. Gimli looked down, ashamed or afraid, Livia could not tell.

"Merry and Pippin are quite safe. In fact, they are far safer than you are about to be." Gandalf said again sprinting towards the forest.

"This new Gandalf's more grumpy than the old one." Gimli said in a small voice as Livia passed.

"At least we have him back. That is something." Livia said in a small voice that can only be heard by Gimli and Legolas.


They got out from the forest and were met by the shining evening sunlight. Livia took a deep breath enjoying the warm sunlight. The breeze making her hair fly. She tried to make her hair not a complete mess, ignoring the color of her hair knowing if she asked Gandalf about it, he would surely not answer that.

Legolas looked at Livia and frowned. Her hair was not as dark as it used to be but it was not white either. But soon, he looked at Gandalf hearing his whistle echoing through the woods.

Not after five minutes, a complete white horse neared them. Legolas's eyes widened at the horse.

"That's one of the mares... unless my eyes are cheated by some spell." Legolas said.

The mare was followed by a horse who had both black and white colored fur. Legolas looked at Livia as she gasped seeing one of the horses. And he noticed that her eyes are lingering at the second horse.

The white horse neared Gandalf while the other neared Livia who stumbled forward a little.

"Shadowfax." Gandalf said. "He is the lord of all horses..." everyone bowed including the black and white horse. "...and has been my friend through many dangers." Gandalf said stroking the pure horse's mane. And then he turned to Livia.

"He came to me with your horse, dear. She might have felt a danger for you." Gandalf said indicating the other horse. Livia smiled.

"Thilen." She said as she lunged forward to hug the horse only to regret as pain shot from her hand which had been bandaged. But she did not let go of her horse. She too stroked her mane as Gandalf did to Shadowfax.

"Hannon le." She whispered smelling the scent of Thilen's mane. Hearing this, Thilen neighed happily.


They rode fast to Rohan. Legolas and Gimli on one horse, Gandalf on Shadowfax and Aragorn on another horse while Livia is on her own horse, Thilen. Everyone but Gandalf did not agree to let Livia ride alone but Gandalf said she would be fine on Thilen and indeed she is. She had ridden Thilen with more than just a bleeding arm.

They did not rest until nightfall. After the blue and dark grey spread through the horizon, they mounted off from their horses to rest.


Again I know this isn't much but these days, I've been extremely busy. Sorry for your wait and my next chapter will probably come after this saturday. We are going on a TRIP. 

I'm very excited because it's been such a long time without going on a trip. 

Anyway, hope you are all doing great.

May your day be good more than yesterday! 

Vote, follow and comments will be MOOREEEE appreciated. Is there something else? No, right?

Yeah and thank you for your help!

Stay safe and Happy!!😘😘


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