𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 3 • 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵

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6yrs ago

2nd Person POV

"This is the most beautiful flower I've ever seen" you said as you stare at the flower in awe.

"I made those flowers for you" The younger girl said when she appeared in front of you.

"You're such a sweet cousin, Isabela" You said happily and squeezed the girl's cheek.

Her smile was replaced by sadness you said those words.

In concerned, you immediately asked her if she was okay and Isabela just nodded in response.

"Are you sure?" And then again she nodded in response.

A comfortable silence enveloped Isabela's entire room and you decided to break it right away.

"Uhm Isa?"

"What is it?" She asked.

"I have something to tell you but please don't be angry "You said sadly to her.

"What is that?" She calmly asked.

"IlikeyouIsabela" You said quickly, Isabela just looked at you with her one eyebrow raised.

"Slow down your speech Penelope" She said.

You calm yourself first before speaking again.

"I like you Isa" you whispered causing Isabela's eyes to widen.
"Are you serious?" She slightly exclaimed and you just nodded in response.

"You're disgusting" She said and walked away from you.

"get out of my room, now!!" She shouted so you immediately run out of her room.

Once you get out of her room, you run into your own room and began to cry.

"She can reject me in a nice way, why did she have to shouted at me like that" You thought as you continue to cry like a baby.

"Papa Bruno, i need you right now" You whispered to yourself as you began to feel more sad when you remember that the man who adopt you also left you.


"Look who's in a deep thoughts right now" you heard a woman say so you immediately got up and turned your attention to her.

Your sad face was replaced by joy when you saw that woman.

"You're late" You said jokingly, causing the woman to giggle.

You asked her to sit next to you and she sat down right away.

You lean your head on her shoulder and began to sigh in relief.

"The sunset is beautiful isn't?" She said and you just nodded in response, too innocent to know what is the real meaning behind those words that she said.

"She's so slow but it's kinda cute"

"I really can read minds huh" you thought while you're hearing her voice but then her lips didn't even move a bit.

"Hey, remember the first time we met?" She asked.

You giggled at that memory.

"Yap. I'm helping Tia Julieta that day to give some empanada. I remember that i already give you twice but then you came back and get more" You said and laugh

"Hey don't laugh at me. It's just the empanada is so delicious that's why i asked for more" She said and look at you with a pout.

Your face softened as you look at her.

𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨 • ☀︎︎ 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 ☀︎︎Where stories live. Discover now