𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 19 • 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽

520 23 0

6hrs ago.

Isabela's POV

While my Sister and I were talking, we suddenly heard someone shouting.

We immediately ran out of my room but we were surprised that the house was slowly collapsing and the cracks were everywhere.

I was about to used my Gift to get us out quickly but no vines or even flowers appeared in my hand.

"What's going on, why can't I use my power?" I asked while running out.

"I don't know" Mirabel replied.

As we neared the exit we saw everyone there as well as our fafamily.Run faster!!" My Father shouted.

When we finally got out, the Casita collapsed.

"What's happening?" I heard Tia Pepa ask.

"This is Penelope's fault" Abuela said, I was about to speak when we heard a loud laugh.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Poor Penelope, her Abuela blamed her even if she doesn't do anything" An old man suddenly appeared in the air.

"Pablo" Abuela said.

"It's good that you still know me Alma" He said then smirk.

"How can you levitate? You don't even have a powers" Abuela said confusedly.

"That's what you thought. But look at me, I'm levitating and look what i did. I take all of your magic and transfer it to me" He said then laugh.

"How can you do this to us?" Abuela ask.

"I'm doing this for myself. Did you just forget how King Alexander killed my father while they are helping all of us. All of you were so happy to see that the king sacrifice his life just to give us a land to live and you didn't even care about me, about my father who die. I tried to kill King Alexander's Son but someone said it isn't enough. They said i need to kill Manuel's daughter but before i kill her, i need to wait until i gain some dark magic. When the time finally came... I tried to kill her more than once but i failed. I realized that i need your candle, get all of its power so i can finally kill Penelope or should i call her Princess Adella Buenaventura the long lost princess of Santhope. So i have to do this, i control Bruno's vision, i give him a wrong vision and it became successful. You shooed her away" He says and laugh.

All of us gasp once he mentioned Penelope.

Is this true? Penelope is a princess?

I was about to speak again when suddenly a magical chain wrapped around my leg and wrist and so did my family and everyone here in town.

"You are now my stock here with me and guess what? We will watch the Buenaventura family having fun while all of you are suffering here" The old man said foolishly.


6hrs later.

"Their celebration is now starting, let watch it together" The old man named Pablo said excitedly.

A giant screen appeared.

I saw Penelope sitting on the trone beside the old woman.

She must be the Queen.

Carmen and Nicolas are beside her too, sitting on their own throne.

"Look at them, they are so happy 'cause their Princess has returned to them, but this fun will also end soon" said the old man.

"Have you seen Camilo?" Tia Pepa ask and i just shook my head in response.


Adella's POV

"Queen Valentina this is Princess Diana from Alcázar de Segovia." My Abuela's butler introduce the princess on us.

She bowed at us and wave at me.

I slightly widen in shock and wave back at her.


"Ohh look at her, she look so shy" Pablo said as she watch Penelope.


"Princess Diana, how can we help you? Do you want something?" Abuela ask politely.

"Queen Valentina, I don't need anything. I just wanted to dance with Princess Adella if you will allow me then it's great but if you don't it's okay to me" She said, Abuela look at me and smile, my eyes widen in surprise.

My eyes widen even more when Abuela agreed.

"So? Do you want to dance with me?" Princess Diana ask me, i shyly nod in response.

When i walk towards her, she hold my hand and grab me on the dance floor.

"i know it's embarrassing but i honestly don't know how to dance" I said and she just giggled.

"Neither i, so don't be shy" She said and put my hands on her waist while her arms wrapped around my nape.


Reminder: This story is my idea and i don't own any of the character expect Penelope and the other.

This story is only for encanto fans if you're not comfortable please leave silently .

Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to leave a star and comment if you like it or not.

Don't forget to drink water and stay healthy.

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