𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 12 • 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲

616 25 0

2nd Person POV

After a few minutes later of walking the two of you finally arrived at the flower pot shop.

"uhmm hi-" before you could even finished an old man spoke.

"Are you here to take Julieta's order?" You nodded in response.

"Wait a minute" Pablo said.

You roamed your eyes around and get mesmerized at the paintings on the wall.

But an unfamiliar flag get your fully attention.

You walked towards it and stared at it for a few seconds.

"Penelope, the vases are already here" You heard Isabela said.

You look at her and see Pablo put the 3 vases in front of Isabela.

"Pabli, can i know what kind of flag is this?" you asked out of curiosity.

"That one is Santhope flag. Why?"
"Nothing, it just look so familiar" you said.

"Do you two want to hear some stories about Santhope before you leave" Isabela and you nodded at the same time.

Pablo offered you a chair.

You being a gentlewoman, instead of using it, you give it to Isabela.

"How about you?" she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me, i used to do this when I'm digesting the food i ate" you said causing her to giggled.

"Many years ago, Santhope is the most famous place all over the world. They said that the Queen and the King who rule the whole town have some magical powers."

"Like the Madrigal?" You asked and he nodded in response.

"One day the King's sister command all of their troops to attacked the small town without the King knowing. Once the King heard that his own soldiers attack and kill some innocent people. The king himself decided to go and confront them but when the King confront the palace soldiers, they didn't listen to him and instead kill a man in front of him."

"That was sad" you said.

"Stop interrupting him" Isabela said and glare at you.

"Please continue" Isabela added.

"The king gets really really mad so to avoid the soldiers to keep killing innocent people. The king uses his power to shove the soldiers away from the innocent people. He also uses all his powers and build a mountain and put all his powers in a light. But after that the king died and his body turned into dust. In short the king of Santhope sacrifice his life to save people" The old man ended his story.

Your jaw drop once he finished the story.

"That was awesome but sad at the same time" you said.

"The King must really love those people he save" Isabela said.

"Isn't it obvious" you chuckled.

She smack your arm rolling her eyes at you.

"The things we do for love" Pablo said and stood up.

""You two better go home now before Alma gets angry to the two of you" He said to you.

You immediately took the three vases and said goodbye to Pablo.

"Let me carry that one" Isabela said as she was about to took the vase from you.

"no need, i can carry this all" you said and fasten your pace.

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