𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 16 • 𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘁

472 25 1

50 yrs ago

"Pablo, wake up!!" Said the old man as he woke his son.

"Why papa?" The boy asked.
"get up, we will leave this Place !!" The old man said in a hurry.

"Why papa?" The boy asked again.

"Don't ask too many questions and just pack" said the old man.

Her son immediately packed up while he continued to guard the door.

"I'm done papa" The boy said after packing.

"Let's go" said the old man then he pulled away his wife and his son.

As they were running away Pablo heard a shouts so he turned his back and there he saw that their town was being attacked while the town's people were running away.

In fear of Pablo accelerated his pace until he stumbled.

"Stand up!!" His father said angrily and immediately helped him stand up.


Once they're finally far away from their town, they began to walk so that they won't immediately get tired.

"My house" some old man said and kneel down in sadness.

They were all staring at their town which was caught on fire, some of them growled angrily but many of them cried.

While they were grieving, crying and talking suddenly a shadow can be seen not so far.

Then some palace soldier pops out from the fog.

They all run away from them not wanting to die.

As they ran away Pablo noticed that his father was not by his side so he turned behind him.

"Son what are you doi-" Her mother stopped speaking when she saw her husband with a man trying to stop the palace soldiers.

Everyone could see how the soldiers killed the man and when one of them was killed, Pablo was about to run towards his father to save him when suddenly something or someone pushed him causing him to fall.

He winced in pain, his attention was diverted when the atmosphere suddenly shone brightly.

He look around and see the king of Santhope uses his magic and push all the soldiers away. he look at his father closely and See's him lying down and with some blood.

"Papa!!" Pablo shouted and about to run again but then the town's people suddenly block him way.

They all run towards the King who's now lying on the ground, unconscious.

Pablo tries to find a way to go at his father and when he saw a way, he immediately went to his father and saw him unconscious.

He tried to wake his father but he would not wake up.

"He's dead Pablo" said his mother and cried.

Pablo could not accept that his father was dead so he kept trying to wake him up.

𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨 • ☀︎︎ 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 ☀︎︎Where stories live. Discover now