𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 13 • 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀

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2nd Person POV

"Good morning" Isabela greeted you just after you left your room.

You ignored her and walked closer to Mirabel.

"Good morning" Mirabel greets you and you greeted back.

"Did she just ignores me" Isabela asked in her mind.


"Pay attention to me" Isabela said to you while chasing you.

You ignored her and kept walking.


Bruno's POV

This can't be.

This isn't happening.

"What did you see Brunito" I heard my mom ask me but i didn't answer and keep on looking at my vision.

Earlier my mother told me again to look into the future again to know who or what is hurting our miracle.

As I look at what will happen in the future it suddenly changes.

the young woman has been fighting an old man but the old man stab her.

Then it changed to the woman knelt in front of the old man as if she was giving up on herself and she was going to let the old men kill her.

"I can't do this Mom" I said.

"She's letting the old man kill her" I said again while staring intently at the woman in my vision.

"You can stop now Bruno" I heard my mother say to me.

I immediately stopped my vision and collapsed my body on the floor.


Carmen's Point of View

"Are you okay now?" Penelope asked me.

"Slight" i said and continue to eat the arepas that Julieta Madrigal give to me.

You're probably wondering how i ended up here.


As I was walking I saw Isabela and Penelope.

It was as if they were fighting so I automatically hid without knowing the reason.

I just watched how Penelope ignored Isabela.

Until the girl get annoyed and left Penelope alone and because I'm stupid as fuck.

I thought of scaring Penelope.

But when I surprised her she suddenly punched me.

She punch me so hard that I almost fainted.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to punch you" she apologized to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked as I groaned in pain.

"Do I look okay to you?" I sarcastically said.

"Shit your nose is bleeding. Let's go to Tia Julieta" She said and carried me like a husband who's carrying his wife before they make babies.

Flashback ends

"You almost broke my nose" I jokingly said causing her to giggled.

"I'm really sorry but hey!! You deserve it, you almost give me a heart attack" She reply.

"Just almost" I said and she suddenly laughed.


Isabela's POV

𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨 • ☀︎︎ 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 ☀︎︎Where stories live. Discover now