𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 18 • 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

487 22 2

2nd Person POV

"Do i look bad?" You ask the young maid as you get out of the bathroom, wearing a noble royal white and yellow outfit.

"This sounds ridiculous but Princess Adella, you're so handsome right now" The maid said with widen eyes and jaw drops.

A blush spread across your cheeks as you look at the mirror and look at yourself.

"By the way, why didn't you like the gown that i gave to you?" She ask while looking at you.

"I don't like dress" you said as you try to fix your hairstyle.

Your outfit is a white blazer, yellow necktie with a white turtleneck underneath. A White pants and white shoes at the bottom and a yellow thick cloak at your back.

While you're looking at yourself in the mirror, the bell rang indicating that the party is now starting.

"Are you ready Princess Adella?" The young maid ask and you nodded in response.


Once you arrive at the throne room, you immediately get nervous when you saw how many royal family are there.

"What the fuck! You look so hot right now" Carmen compliment you.

"Ohh i wish i could also wear something like that" She said and pout causing you to giggled.

"Princess Carmen, Prince Nicolas. The Queen wanted the both of you to sit on your own throne" The Queen's butler said.

"See you later" Carmen said and tap your shoulder in comfort before they leave you alone.

"Calm down Pene- Adella, you can do this" You said trying to calm yourself.

"Attention everyone" The Queen said causing everyone's attention goes to her.

"All of you gathered here in my palace just to hear my announcement but before that i would like to thank all of you for coming here even if your castle is too far from here. I really appreciate that and for the announcement." The Queen stop for a few seconds then start again.

"We all know my Son, Manuel lost his way in this family. He leave us and after few decades we just heard that he and his wife died because someone poisoned them. We thought that his daughter, Adella, died two but 3 months ago my husband give me a vision that my first grandchild is alive and she needs help so i sent my two Noble grandchild to where Adella lives and earlier they all get back here." They all gasp in surprise when they heard Queen Valentina's speech.

"Adella sweetie you can join us here now. Let's all give her a warm applause." The Queen call your name.

You breath heavily first before you walked towards them.

The eyes of the guests are on you as you walk closer to your grandmother.

Unintelligible expressions painted on their faces.

Some of them are shocked while others are amazed at your unique beauty.

"She's a girl but she's very handsome to look at"

"She's beautiful and handsome at the same time"

"Sorry to say this but she's more handsome than my husband"

Those are just some of the things you hear from the princess and Prince thought as they watch you walk closer to the Queen.

When you get close to her, you immediately kneel down to show respect.

"You can stand up now" When she said that you immediately stood up, faced the crowd and flashed a cute awkward smile.

"Tonight you will witness how i bless my granddaughter and tonight I will also transfer to her all the magic of my husband" your eyes widen in shock, you look at the Queen and she just smiled at you widely.

The butler pass the sword to the Queen.

"This sword is from my Husband and i will use this to bless Princess Adella" The Queen said and all of them clap.

"Kneel down in front of me sweetie" She said and you just obey, not knowing what to do.

"In the name of Santhope, will you serve this town and make it a better place?" The Queen ask.

You look at her and answer "Yes"

She just smiled at you before she tap your shoulder using the sword.

Once she's done you were about to stand up but she stop you and said "stay" so you stay in your position.

Them the butler pass something again on the Queen.

"This will hurt a bit so endure the pain okay" She whispered and you just nodded in response.

You heard her chanted some weird word after that you suddenly feel pain all over your body.

You endure it just like what the Queen says.

You try not to scream as you feel like you're getting stronger.

Once the Queen is done your body collapsed on the floor.

Carmen immediately help you to stand up and seat you on the green throne.

The crowd clapped their hands, celebrating the successful magic transferring.

"Let her rest first" The Queen whispered to Carmen.

"The magic transferring is finally done so let's celebrate and have fun tonight" The Queen said and the music start.


Reminder: This story is my idea and i don't own any of the character expect Penelope and the other.

This story is only for encanto fans if you're not comfortable please leave silently .

Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to leave a star and comment if you like it or not.

Don't forget to drink water and stay healthy.

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